What is Autoconfig

AutoConfig is a tool that automates the configuration of an Oracle Applications system. In Oracle Apps 11i,the whole of system information is stored in 2 repository-one database context file located at $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/<context_name>.xml  and other applications context file located at APPL_TOP/admin/context_name>.xml. When we run autoconfig, the information in context files is used to instantiate the template files and create the configuration files and set the profile options.
How do i run Autoconfig?
The database services should be up but the application services should be down while running autoconfig.
On the Dbtier->login as owner of db-oracle user
cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/<context_name>
On the Apps Tier->login as owner of applications-applmgr user
cd $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/<CONTEXT_NAME>
The log files created by AutoConfig is located at:
On the application tier:
On the database tier:
where: <MMDDhhmm> = (month, day, hour, and minute of the AutoConfig run)

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