
Unable to Validate Invoice Getting Error 'Unexpected error occurred during Tax Calculation...ORA-22160: element at index [24] does not exist' [ID 969133.1]

Applies to:

Oracle Payables - Version: 12.1.1 to 12.1.1 - Release: 12.0 to 12.0
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Applicable to R12.0 to R12.1 versions.
22160: element at index [24] does not exist


On : R12.0 to R12.1 version, Validation Issues in AP

When attempting to validate expense report/standard type invoice,
the following error occurs.

Unexpected error occurred during Tax Calculation. Exception: User-Defined Exception. Please correct the problem or contact your system administrator.

ORA-22160: element at index [24] does not exist

1.Create an expense report type invoice with no validation.
2.Apply Prepayment.
3.Un-apply prepayment.
4.Apply prepayment again.
5.Validate invoice. > The invoice could not be validated and could not to unapply prepayment.
1. Create standard invoice >  Actions > Validate or Run Invoice validation concurrent program.
Due to this issue, users cannot validate invoices


The issue is in the AP_ETAX_SERVICES_PKG.Freeze_itm_Distributions procedure
where we are populating the collection freeze_dist_list based on the freese_flag but incrementing the counter based on the collection 'l_itm_dist_list_local' , which causes null value to be inserted in the collection.
When ebtax tries to iterate the collection it is throwing

"ORA-22160: element at index [24] does not exist"

The log file has the following messages:

ZX.PLSQL.ZX_NEW_APIS_PUB.FREEZE_TAX_DISTS_FOR_ITEMS ORA-22160: element at index [2] does not exist
AP.PLSQL.AP_ETAX_UTILITY_PKG.Return_Error_Messages Get error message from eTax API
AP.PLSQL.AP_ETAX_UTILITY_PKG.Return_Error_Messages Get error message from stack
AP.PLSQL.AP_ETAX_UTILITY_PKG.Return_Error_Messages An unexpected error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator.
AP.PLSQL.AP_ETAX_SERVICES_PKG.Calculate Populate TRX lines. No tax lines exist
AP.PLSQL.AP_ETAX_SERVICES_PKG.Calculate Handle errors returned by API
AP.PLSQL.AP_ETAX_UTILITY_PKG.Return_Error_Messages Get error message from eTax API
AP.PLSQL.AP_ETAX_UTILITY_PKG.Return_Error_Messages Get error message from stack
fnd.plsql.APP_EXCEPTION.RAISE_EXCEPTION.dict_auto_log "Unexpected error occurred during Tax Calculation.
Exception: User-Defined Exception
Please correct the problem or contact your System Administrator."

The issue is fixed in higher versions of the AP_ETAX_SERVICES_PKG.

apetxsrb.pls 120.81.12000000.97 for R12.0 users.

apetxsrb.pls-120.115.12010000.23 for R12.1 users.


++ 1) Bug Summary
++ A. Functional
++ 1. Description
-> While validating an invoice application is throwing error as
-> Unexpected error: Cannot calculate tax please contact your system administrator
     Reviewing the log got the error : ORA-22160: element at index [24] does not exist
++ 2. Resolution
-> Invoice should validate successfully.

Issue is discussed and fixed in following bugs:
Bug.8649496 1-OFF FOR BUG 8314969- TO CREATE A PATCH FOR R12.AP.B


1. Download and review the readme and pre-requisites for the following patches:

    For R12.1 users: Apply Patch 8649496:R12.AP.B

    For R12.0 users: Apply Patch 9414523:R12.AP.A

2. Ensure that you have taken a backup of your system before applying the recommended patch.

3. Apply the patch in a test environment.

4. Confirm the following file versions:

For R12.0 users:
    apetxsrb.pls 120.81.12000000.97

For R12.1 users:

   You can use the commands like the following:
          strings -a $AP_TOP/filename |grep '$Header'

5. Retest the issue.

6. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.

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