audit users accessing responsibility/forms in R12/11i

Manytimes we want to audit, which users access which responsibilities. There is a direct way of doing it in oracle apps.
There is a System Profile in Oracle Apps "Sign-on Audit level". The profile "sign on audit level" can be set to any of the 4 values->
Users-determines login and log-off timings,terminal from which user logs in oracle apps
Resposibilty-does user level auditing + which user logs in responibilty at which time, and when does the user navigates off  from it.
Forms-does respobility level auditing + which user access which forms and how  much time user spends on that form.

Once the above profile is set to the desired value, it will start auditing from the next time the user logs in. We can now run the concurrent request "Sign on Audit Responsibilities" to capture which users accessed which responsibilities.

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