ORA-904 starting Concurrent Managers

Problem Description
Trying to start the concurrent managers returns errors.
When viewing 
the std.mgr file 
getting the following:
This concurrent manager cannot run the following registered,immediate concurrent programs because they are not linked to this 
concurrent manager's library "FNDLIBR"
Cause:The immediate concurrent programs listed have been registered.
       Application          Concurrent Program            
      FND                  FDFLEXPP        
          PO                         POXPCP      

   Shutting down Concurrent Manager : 17-JAN-2000 10:52:45
   CONC-Reset of LK Handle failed
   List of errors encountered:
   _ 1 _ Routine AFPGRQ encountered an ORACLE error.  ORA-00904: invalid column name
Review your error messages for the cause of the error. (=<POINTER>)
Solution Description
Apply patch 874113 and then follow NOTE 2122003.6
There are 2 problems in the logfile:

1) CONC-Reset of LK Handle error and ORA-00904: invalid column name error.
        The routine mentioned required upgrading to be functional with the applications version used. Fixed by applying patch 874113. 
2) The immediate concurrent programs FDFLEXPP and POXPCP error.                       
In release 11 the 2 programs are no longer used but still reside in the seeded applications. Fixed by following NOTE 2122003.6
        "Run the following SQL script to clean up the FND_CONC_PROCESSOR_PROGRAMS 
         table then bounce the concurrent managers:

            delete from fnd_conc_processor_programs where
            from fnd_concurrent_programs
            where concurrent_program_name in ( 'FDFLEXPP', 'POXPCP' ) ); 

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