Troubleshooting Concurrent Manager


This template requires the essential matter for troubleshooting Unix Concurrent Manager Problems.


This reference is intended for use by one who is familiar with the concurrent manager process.

Trouble shooting UNIX concurrent manager

1. Have you tried shutting down, running the cmclean script and re-starting the Concurrent Managers?

[YES] Check logfiles
[NO] Try it, customer may have been logged in as the wrong user or incorrectly typed the startup command.
You can run the cmclean.sql script within Note 134007.1 to reset the concurrent
Manager tables whilst the Concurrent Managers are down.

2. Are there any FNDLIBR processes still running even after the attempted shutdown?

Use command PS -ef | grep FNDLIBR

[YES] UNIX: Use kill -9 to clean them up
[NO] Continue troubleshooting

3. Are there any errors in the logfiles?

Logfiles are in $FND_TOP/log or $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG if defined.
Logfiles are usually named STD.MGR or the CCM name(i.e. PRDMGR.MGR)

[YES] Make note of the errors and search Metalink for these errors.
If no resolution is found, open a SR and upload the logfiles.
[NO] Have ct restart the Concurrent Manager from the command line to have a new log file created.
Command to start the CCM:
startmgr sysmgr=apps_schema_owner/password logfile=std.mgr
* This should create logfile std.mgr
* If no logfile exists, check for UNIX permissions and space on filesystem.

4. How many rows are in FND_CONCURRENT_REQUEST and

Check the FND tables using the sql statements below. When these tables reach above 3-4K rows performance begins to suffer when viewing report output and the Internal Concurrent Managers often does not start due to the lengthy search through
FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES table. You may want to run Purge Concurrent
Request and/or Manager Data on a regular basis.

Please run diagnostic script found under Note 200360.1 for common problematic issues.
Upload the output from the diagnostic script to the SR for Oracle Support review.

5. Are any processes pending in the Internal or Conflict resolution Manager?

Pending jobs in either the Internal or Conflict Resolution Manager may prevent the Concurrent Manager from starting. The best course of action before starting the Concurrent Managers is to cancel any "Deactivate" or "Verify" jobs pending in the Internal Manager and to place any other pending jobs on hold.

Additional Information:

1. Number of records in the following Tables:

Command: Logged in SQLPLUS as APPLSYS(or demo - APPDEMO)

select count(*) from FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS

2. Sometimes it is necessary to rebuild the Concurrent Manager views.
This is non-destructive.

Concurrent Manger views can be rebuilt by running the following
Command at the command line: FNDCPBWV is a immediate concurrent
program that is a part of FNDLIBR.

UNIX & Windows NT

FNDLIBR FND FNDCPBWV apps/apps SYSADMIN 'System Administrator'


Administrator" "SYSADMIN" 

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