Entity Object Extension in R12

Entity Object Extension in Oracle Application R12 


Following attributes are part of FndUserEO.

Here I will add a validation to UserName attribute "Length should be > 5".
Following steps need to perform.
1) Download all files of  "Entity Object Based on PL/SQL" to JDEV_USER_HOME/myprojects and JDEV_USER_HOME/myclasses.If you want to see the content of source java file decompile it and save it in JDEV_USER_HOME/myprojects.
2) Create new Entity Object XXFndUserEO as follows.

Include all attributes of parent EO.

3) Add the validation code snippet to XXFndUserEOImpl.java as follows.

4) Create the substitution as follows.

5) Migrate files to $JAVA_TOP.
6) Migrate the substitution..

7) Bounce the server.
8) Verify the substitution has applied properly.

Access Create User Page and create a User.

You can see the validation message if user name length is less than 5.
Give User Name as XXCUST4 and verify the table.

 The FND_USER has created successfully.


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