Custom Login Page in Oracle Apps

Oracle Application has a flexibility to add custom login page to existing application.This can be achieved through certain profiles.Following steps describes how to accomplish this.
1) Create a custom login page based on your requirement.In this example i have taken default login page and i have added two link below the password field (Register and Forgot Password).
     Page Path : /xxcust/oracle/apps/fnd/sso/login/webui/XXCustLoginPG
2) Create a function with code name starts with APPS_LOGIN. Eg: XXCUST - Login Page (APPS_LOGIN_CUST)

3) Update the profile Applications Login Function (APPS_LOGIN_FUNCTION) with "XXCUST - Login Page"

4) Click on logout and check the login page.Now you can see the custom login page.

Login Page before profile setting

Login Page after profile setting

Failure Recovery

If any error in the above steps will cause the instance crash.So the following code snippet will help in the recovery of instance.

UPDATE fnd_profile_option_values
SET profile_option_value='APPS_LOGIN_DEFAULT'
WHERE profile_option_id =
  (SELECT fpov.profile_option_id
FROM fnd_profile_option_values fpov,
    fnd_profile_options fpo
WHERE fpov.profile_option_id=fpo.profile_option_id
AND fpo.profile_option_name = 'APPS_LOGIN_FUNCTION'

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