Workflow Administrator Role in Oracle Applications 11i/R12

If you want to see workflow details (owned by other users) or status diagram in Oracle Applications 11i/R12 then you should belong to one of responsibilities/user listed under WF_ADMIN_ROLE. By default (in 11i & R12) this role is set to user sysadmin (In old versions 11.5.8 or prior, it used to set to *)

If you wish to change WF_ADMIN_ROLE, as per most of metalink notes either
1. Change it via Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility (Login as sysadmin >> Workflow Administrator Web Applications >> Administration)
or update table

2. SQL> update wf_resources set text=’&Enter_Admin_Name’ where name=’WF_ADMIN_ROLE’;
to set it to everyone, use

SQL> update wf_resources set text=’*’ where name=’WF_ADMIN_ROLE’; .

Problem with above solution- Execution of Autoconfig will override above settings. Autoconfig will pick value against parameter s_wf_admin_role (default value SYSADMIN) from context file $CONTEXT_FILE.
Correct way to set Workflow Administrator Role

1. First identify Workflow Role Name associated with User or Responsibility.
A. For setting Admin Role to specific user

SQL> select name from apps.wf_roles where DISPLAY_NAME like ‘&USER_NAME’ and ORIG_SYSTEM=’FND_USR’;
B. For setting it to a responsibility (so that all users with that responsibility can view other user’s Workflow)

SQL> select name from apps.wf_roles where DISPLAY_NAME like '&Responsibility_Name’ and ORIG_SYSTEM=’FND_RESP’;

SQL> select name from apps.wf_roles where DISPLAY_NAME like ‘System Administrator‘;
(output for System Administrator responsibility should look like) FND_RESP SYSADMIN SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR STANDARD

SQL> select name from apps.wf_roles where DISPLAY_NAME like ‘Application Developer‘; (output for Application Developer responsibility should look like)

2. Update context file ($CONTEXT_FILE) variable s_wf_admin_role (If you don’t see this parameter in context file then apply latest Autoconfig Patch) to value from above query
For Sysadmin User
- Set it to SYSADMIN

For System Administrator Responsibility

For Application Developer Responsibility

3. Run Autoconfig -$OAD_TOP/admin/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME/ (11i)$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ (R12)

Note 453137.1 Oracle Workflow Best Practices Release 12 and Release 11i
Note 358090.1 Workflow Administrator Field Become Uneditable after Selecting System Administrator Responisibility
Bug 4185567- Wf System administrator Field Become Uneditable after selecting System Administrator 

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