Security Attributes

What are the Security Attributes?

Securing attributes are used by some Oracle HTML-based applications to allow rows (records) of data to be visible to specified users or responsibilities based on the specific data (attribute values) contained in the row.
You may assign one or more values for any of the securing attributes assigned to the user.
If a securing attribute is assigned to both a responsibility and to a user, but the user does not have a value for that securing attribute, no information is returned for that attribute.
Isupplier, iexpense have using these feature, but still you can take advantage by creating your own depending upon the need. 

Defining new/Custom
Here are the steps to define Security Attributes
  1. Navigate to the Summary Security/Text.
  2. Select the security type from the drop down list. The valid values are:
    • Group: This specifies contract group security
    • User: This specifies user security
  3. Select the Group or User Name from the list of values, depending on the security type.
  4. Select the security level appropriate to the security type. The valid values are:
    • Modify: This allows update access to given contract.
    • Read Only: This allows on display or read access to the given contract.
  5. Save your changes

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