openvpn client on windows cannot connect

I got this problem lately, so like usual I looked in the openvpn.log file and I found this line:

and it said it could not find the file, of course it could not find the file because the windows directory in server is winnt.
so like always I googled for the error, and I found out that i need to add a line in client.ovpn file which is:
win-sys env

and it works!
But again in another computer, this time it was throwing warning about:
NOTE: OpenVPN 2.1 requires ‘–script-security 2′ or higher to call user-defined scripts or executables
it is easier because it already said what to do, so I added one more line to the client.opvn file:
script-security 2

but this time it throw another error:
TCP: connect to [ipaddress] failed, will try again in 5 seconds: Connection refused (WSAECONNREFUSED)

so I reverted it back.
So clueless I just looked at the openvpn server configuration, there I stumble upon this line:
max-clients 60

and it struck me that I currently have 93 clients.
So I change it to :
max-clients 100

now it works fine, all my client works smoothly :) 

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