DBLINK : Connect to remote database

Connect to remote database
Create database link by executing following command in TOAD.

1.     create database link dblink1 connect to apps identified by apps  using 'TESTUPGRADE';

  Where ‘dblink1’ is link alias, first ‘APPS’ is schema name ,second ‘APPS’ is password and    ‘TESTUPGRADE’ is service name.

2.  select * from tablename@dblink1

   Before executing query you need to add entry of remote database in the ‘TNSNAMES.ORA’     as illustrated below using following command.
  vi /opt/d02/oracle/proddb/9.2.0/network/admin/PROD_test/tnsnames.ora

Now you can access the tables of remote database by just adding DBLINK  alias at the end of the table e.g. tablename@dblink1. Best way to compare data of same table from two different databases.
If you want to remove the link then:

3.       drop database link dblink1 (if you want to drop link).

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