
APP-OFA-47294: Please finish assigning all units to assign to accounts and locations before saving.

I was working on Oracle Fixed Assets (OFA), it is better if I say I was working on  OFA  first time and I was unable to assign asset due to error 'APP-OFA-47294: Please finish assigning all units to assign to accounts and locations before saving.'. Later I figured out this error so I thought to share it with world in case if any beginner (like me) face this problem could sort it out here.Here we go:

Following is the navigation to the asset assignment:

Open the  Assets -> Asset workbench -> Assignments as shown below:

In following form you can see 1 unit of this asset is located at 'PRODUCTION LIN2' and 'Units to Assign' is 0. Now I want to remove this assignment first so that 'Units to Assign' increased to 1 and then again I will assign to any other location (and I actually didn't know this :) )

What I was doing I was entering new line without releasing the Units to existing Location. So when I entered new line then 'Units to Assign' decreased to -1.
now when I pressed the 'Done' button it showed me error 'APP-OFA-47294: Please finish assigning all units to assign to accounts and locations before saving.' Error was somewhat self explanatory.
To avoid this what I did, I removed the existing assignment  by putting value -1 in 'Unit Change' field so it removed the existing assignment and 'Unit to Assign' also increased to 0 which really make sense.
Then I pressed 'Done' button and this time I done it. :)
To check the effect re-query the record.

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