RMAN-20035, RMAN-6038

Backup Fails with Invalid RECID Error: RMAN-20035, RMAN-6038

When you attempt a backup and receive the following error messages:
RMAN-3014: Implicit resync of recovery catalog failed
RMAN-6038: Recovery catalog package detected an error
RMAN-20035: Invalid high RECID error
It indicates the control file and the recovery catalog is not synchronized. RMAN detects that the control file currently in use is older than the control file previously used to resynchronize.


This due to any of the scenario you are restore a backup controlfile through a non-oracle mechanism and then open the database through Resetlogs option or making a copy of control file through operating system utility and trying the restore on new system through RNAN. You do not use catalog so RMAN does not get any information regarding this process.  The recovery catalog indicates that the highest RECID is 100, but the control file indicates that the highest RECID is 90. The control file RECID should always be greater than or equal to the recovery catalog RECID, so RMAN issues RMAN-20035



Login with sysdba:
Mount the database
SQL> shutdown immediate;
SQL> startup mount;
1.      Perform cancel based recovery to open the database with Resetlogs option.
Alter Database Recover Database until Cancel Using Backup Controlfile;
Alter Database Recover Cancel;
2.      Then connect to the rman and open the database using Resetlogs option
CONNECT rsys/oracle@target catalog catalog/catalog@rman
RMAN> Alter database open resetlogs;
3.      Do not forget to take the fresh backup after resetlogs option;

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