Applies to:
Oracle Forms - Version: 6.0 and later [Release: 6 and later ]Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 12-DEC-2011***
Certain features of the forms application when accessed throw FRM-92100.
VDSStart component seems to be used ( and throws a java exception in the java console by the time FRM-92100 is raised in the forms runtime.
This VDSStart component is apparently based on HeadStart JHeadStart.
Apparently, vdsstart.jar was preventing the application from performing properly.Once vdsstart.jar has been removed from the archive parameter list of jars, the issue did not occur anymore.
vdsstart.jar was supposed to fix a certain focus issue, but in the meantime the fix delivered by vdsstart..jar has been included in either a more recent update of Sun JRE or Forms BP.
If using JHeadStart + some 3rd party components provided by VDS Consulting in a Forms application with latest updates for Sun JRE and latest Forms Bundle Patch then it is not necessary to referrence vdsstart.jar anymore.
1. Contact Oracle Consulting / VDS as these are JHeadStart components, not supported by Oracle Support Organization. If both VDS and Oracle Consulting can come up with a simple setup demonstrating that these components are not causing the disruption, then a potential configuration glitch should be considered and further actions taken in this direction.
2. Remove vdsstart.jar from the config section and test the application.

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