forms60. vrf(78) OS_error

forms60. vrf(78) OS_error

This error came across me in developer 6i while I am trying to re-install (after first time installation), while searching on the internet and after trying several times I came to know that while reinstalling the developer the older installation is either not completely removed from the registry and whenever re-installing it is picking some garbage or unwanted path with your environment variable.
Check your environment path its size must be less than 1024 character. Fix it some around 900 characters such as C:\Oracle\Dev6\BIN
Be sure to save the value of the PATH in some text file BEFORE modifying it. Always backup your registry before modifying it to so any thing goes wrong you can import again the previous registry. Check my other post “How to Export the current registry setting as a backup”:
While re-installing it is better to stop your anti virus. May be possibility antivirus will interrupt your installation process.
When restoring the PATH to the original value (after Forms installation and restart), don't forget to add the new Oracle home part of the PATH (e.g. C:\Oracle\Dev6\BIN).
Added it to the end, to preserve old Oracle settings. So, after installation "<new PATH>" should be "<old PATH>;<new Oracle home BIN directory
Caution: Beware that installation of "older" tools can sometimes harm some of your existing installations.
Finally if you are not finding the solution and if you do not have installed any things related to oracle (if not then) in your system and you have decided to fresh installation then completely remove your oracle registry and do the fresh installation with new oracle path.
To remove the oracle registry:
Type regedit in RUN
Now from the File Menu of registry export to save the registry and from edit menu of registry delete to delete the registry (Please make sure you are about to delete only oracle registry).

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