
FRM-92102 "A Network Error Occurred" in A Proxy Or Firewall Scenario [ID 312517.1]

Applies to:

Oracle Forms - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Checked for relevance on 11-Aug-2012.


When a site has one or more proxies sitting between client and Forms server in a WAN or VPN configuration, Forms may fail intermittently with FRM-92102. With no proxies the Forms sessions run fine.


New installation or change in proxy configuration


Whenever proxies or firewalls are involved and FRM-92102 occurs, it is always useful to generate a Forms Listener Servlet trace of the good and the bad scenarios, and compare the HTTP headers sent in both instances. In this specific case, the proxy
1) Drops the keep-alive header
2) Changes the PRAGMA header by appending ", no-cache" at the end. So "pragma: -7" becomes "pragma: -7, no-cache".

The trace log shows that the form is terminated after a negative pragma header is received which has ", no-cache" appended. This is known; Forms WILL fail when a negative pragma has a no-cache modifier. The next POST conversation in the trace file will indicate failure.


Contact the team who is responsible for configuring the proxy, and request to modify that the
KEEP-ALIVE and PRAGMA headers are left alone.

Regenerate the trace for the previously bad scenario, and compare and verify that NO HTTP headers are dropped or modified.

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