FRM 40350

FRM 40350: Query Caused No Records To Be Retrieved '' on Reconcile Journal Lines Tab [ID 262439.1]

Applies to:

Oracle General Ledger - Version 11.5.6 to [Release 11.5.6 to 11.5.10]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Checked relevance as on 26-Sep-12


a)You are using the European localisation feature of General Ledger reconciliations.
b)You have created reconciliation accounts, however when you get in to the "Find Reconciliation Lines" form, "Reconcile Journal Lines" Tab, you are able to get into the "Find Accounts" form, but it does not retrieve any account combinations.

How to resolve this?


The issue was that the code combinations did not have the JGZZ_RCON_FLAG set to Y. The current name of this column is JGZZ_RECON_FLAG in the latest applications version.


Check the Qualifiers in the Values window and enusure that it is enabled
Navigation :-General Ledger Super user ->Setup ->Financials -> Flex Fields ->Key ->Values ->Query the value set ->Click on Find ->Click on Segment Qualifiers and check
Once Qualifiers set correctly then please run below program

View ->Request ->Single Request ->Run  ''Program:Inherit Segment Value Attributes ''

It is important to run this program every time they make a change to the Segment Value Attribute. If not run, the changes will not be reflected on the Account Code Combinations.
Note: Account type qualifiers are not affected by the Program Inherit Segment Value Attributes

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