Check table Space status

DBA Script: How Full Are The Tablespaces?

Here is a useful script to show how full the tablespaces are. I’ve used it many times!  It’s ordered by Percent full, but you can order it any way you like.
Script to show how full the tablespaces are:
By Rodger Lepinsky
ltsu.sql  for:  List TableSpace Use. 


SELECT ts.tablespace_name,
to_char ( ( nvl( ts.total_bytes , 0 ) - nvl(used_bytes, 0) ) / 1024 / 1024 , '999,999' )
as free_megs,
to_char ( nvl(used_bytes , 0) / 1024 / 1024 , '999,999' )
as used_megs,
to_char ( nvl(ts.total_bytes, 0) / 1024 / 1024 , '999,999' )
as total_megs ,
to_char ( (( nvl(used_bytes, 0) / ( nvl(ts.total_bytes,0) )) * 100) , '999.99')
as Percent_Full
sum( nvl(BYTES,0) ) as total_bytes
from dba_data_files
) ts,
( SELECT tablespace_name,
nvl(SUM(bytes), 0 ) used_bytes
FROM dba_extents
GROUP BY tablespace_name
) used_space
WHERE ts.tablespace_name = used_space.tablespace_name (+)
order by 5

Output will be similar to:

------------------------------ -------- -------- -------- -------
TS_DP                                50        0       50     .00
TS_SALES_DATA_ENGINE_X               50        0       50     .00
DW_REFERENCE_TBS                    134        0      134     .00
DEMANTRA                          5,400        0    5,400     .00
DW_REFERENCE_IDX                    100        0      100     .00
BIA_RTL                           1,000        0    1,000     .00
DW_LOOKUP_TBS                       100        0      100     .00
DW_AGGREGATE_IDX                    100        0      100     .00
DW_MVLOG_TBS                        100        0      100     .00
OLAP_BAAD                         1,500        0    1,500     .00
TS_SIM_X                             50        0       50     .00
OWAPUB                               10        0       10     .00

B2B_RT                                4       38       42   90.33
APPS_TS_MEDIA                       497    4,715    5,211   90.47
RBS_MIG                               4       39       43   90.70
UDDISYS_TS                            2       19       21   90.77
CWMLITE                               2       21       23   91.85
ORABPEL                               1       11       12   95.31

69 rows selected.

Note:  this script can take a long time, if you have a slow server, many tablespaces, objects, and of course, extents, which the objects are made out of.

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