Patch Application Assistant PAA

PAA (Patch Application Assistant) is tool/Perl script to generate customized installation instructions for a patch in Oracle Applications R12 that helps user to track and perform manual steps during patching.

1. is under $AD_TOP/bin
2. You can run (Patch Application Assistant) in two mode
i) GUI (Graphical User Interface)
ii) CLI (Command Line Interface)
3. Once you complete manual steps as instructed in PAA report, you can record that step as completed.

How to Run PAA (Patch Application Assistant) in R12

1. Source environment file i.e. $ORACLE_R12_BASE/apps/apps_st/appl/APPS[SID]_[hostname].env

2. Run PAA using in either CLI or GUI

2.1 CLI mode perl -patch_top=[patch-top-directory]-appspass=[apps-password]
For example to generate PAA report for 12.0.6 patch (6728000) run it as
perl $AD_TOP/bin/ -patch_top=/stage/oracle/patches/r12/6728000 -appspass=apps
Gathering Information..
Logfile for this session is located at admsi.log
Generating installation instructions for patch 6728000..
Updating database….
install_6728000.html generated successfully
install_6728000.txt generated successfully

Now view report (text or html format) containing manual steps for 12.0.6

2.2 GUI Invoke PAA in GUI by running as shown below

i. Source environment file
ii. Then run the command '' without any arguments
iii. Next step is to select from one of three options, I selected option 1 i.e. to find instance specific instructions for 12.0.6 patch (6728000), then complete the wizard steps by selecting appropriate values and the location of the patch folder.
iv. Once you get list of manual steps, follow instructions in report
v. Apply apps patches using AUTOPATCH utility (adpatch)

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