Oracle R12 & 11i Patchsets Comparison Utility

Oracle Applications Current Patchsets Comparison Utility (Script to Analyze)

The program ( compares the currently installed patchsets and family packs to the most recently available ones generated by Oracle Development.

NOTE: The program is frequently updated by the Oracle development team with the latest patchsets data in it. So, this means that you need to get the latest version to get an up-to-date report.

*Download the latest script from:

--> Also refer to metalink note ID 139684.1 for latest updates and how to run this program, the steps to run this program is compiled in short form.

This program utilizes direct database connectivity or the applptch.txt file for 10.7-11.0. For 11i and R12, it utilizes a combination of tables such as AD_BUGS and AD_APPLIED_PATCHES to create the installed patch list. If the 11i release does not use these AD tables (11.5.4 or lower and have not applied 11i.AD.E or higher) it still supports using applptch.txt for 11i.

1. Setup Requirements:
Must have connectivity to EBS database via sql*net with $TWO_TASK set
Source $APPL_TOP/APPSxx.env file or just setup database env such as ORACLE_HOME and TWO_TASK

2. Running the Patchsets Comparison Tool:
•11i - $ . $APPL_TOP/APPSORA.env
•R12 - $ . $APPL_TOP/APPS{sid}_{machine}.env
Note: As long as you can connect with sqlplus and $TWO_TASK, the script should have the access it needs.

Usage: $ [connect=11i_login/pwapplptch=/path/applptch.txt] [-h] [silent=y] default is n, [htmlout=file]
Example Help:
$ -h
Example Html Output in Silent Mode:
$ ./ applptch=/applptch_11i.txt htmlout=Report.html silent=y

$ ./ connect=apps/apps_password_here htmlout=xxReport.html
3. Columns in The Output of script:Baseline Version: This is the baseline release version that come with EBS release
Running Version: This is The Current High Level Code running on instance..or currrent patch level
Latest AvailableStatus: THis Is the Latest Patches Available from The ORACLE for that module…

4. Platform Specific Issues:TO RUN UNDER NT with MKS:
--> Get to the drive where the appl_top is.
Make a tmp directory on that drives root.
F:>mkdir tmp (this is where the patchset lists get created)

--> cd to the APPL_TOP path and then execute the envshell to setup the env variables.
F:\> cd F:\oracle\apps\apps_st\appl
F:\oracle\apps\apps_st\appl> dhrms_devapps.cmd
A new window spawns with the correct env settings, use it for next step

--> Run the patchsets program from F:\ where the tmp directory was created in earlier step
F:\> connect=apps/apps_password_here htmlout=xxReport.html
F:\> applptch=applptch_11i.txt htmlout=Report.html silent=y

NOTE: Download the latest script from:

Reference: Also you can get this script from metalink note : Oracle Applications Current Patchset Comparison Utility – [ID 139684.1]

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