Function not Available to this Responsibility

Custom Form: Function not Available to this Responsibility (Doc ID 1079951.1)

"Function not available to this responsibility, change responsibility or contact your system administrator"


Oracle Application Object Library - Version 11.5.2 to 12.1.3 [Release 11.5 to 12.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Navigation steps:
  Select Custom Responsibility, Navigate to Custom Form

When selecting custom form following error occurs:
   Function not available to this responsibility


The CUSTOM_TOP value is not defined correctly in the environment.


1)  Login to applications and try to open the custom Form.

2)  Navigate to Help --> Diagnostics --> Examine.  Click the "Examine Fields and variable values"

3) Populate the field with the next values:

FIELD --> (For example XXCUS1_TOP)

4)  Push tab key and check that the variable is defined and that the VALUE is correct.

If the variable is not correctly defined, then:

1)  Review application environment file to check and correct variable definition.

2)  If using servlet mode, then check the definition in the file

$IAS_CONFIG_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/formservlet.ini .

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