Wait Events

What is Oracle wait events? 

Oracle Wait Events are conditions where a session is waiting for something to happen.  A wait event can be caused by many things, from slow read/write speeds on the disk, to locking situations caused by the architecture, to various kinds of Oracle contentions.  Waits are either system-level or session-level.  A session-level wait event is an event that affects a single user activity within the database.  System-level wait events affect the entire database system.   

When Oracle executes an SQL statement, it is not constantly executing. Sometimes it has to wait for a specific event to happen befor it can proceed.
For example, if Oracle (or the SQL statement) wants to modify data, and the corresponding database block is not currently in the SGA, Oracle waits for this block to be available for modification.
All possible wait events can be found in v$event_name. In Oracle 10g R1, there are some 806 different wait events.
What Oracle waits for and how long it has totally waited for these events can be monitored through the following views:

Oracle Wait Events

Before looking into wait events, let us understand various state of user process.
Oracle user process is typically in one of the three states:

a. Idle wait. e.g. 'SQL*Net message from client'

b. Running code - Either on CPU or on a run queue. Oracle itself does not know if it is on-CPU or just on a run queue.

c. Waiting

i. for some resource to become available. e.g. enqueue (lock) or a latch
ii. for an activity to complete that it has requested. Like an IO read request.

Oracle has a set of 'Wait Events' for activities in 'a' and 'c', and record CPU utilization for 'b'.

This is best illustrated with a simplified example of few seconds in the life of an Oracle shadow process:

State Notes...

 IDLE : Waiting for 'SQL*Net message from client'. Receives a SQL*Net packet requesting 'parse/execute' of a statement

ON CPU : decodes the SQL*Net packet.

WAITING : Waits for 'latch free' to obtain the a 'library cache' latch Gets the latch.

ON CPU : Scans for the SQL statement in the shared pool, finds a match, frees latch , sets up links to the shared cursor etc.. & begins to execute.

WAITING : Waits for 'db file sequential read' as we need a block which is not in the buffer cache. Ie: Waiting for an IO to complete.

ON CPU : Block read has completed so execution can continue. Constructs a SQL*Net packet to send back to the user containing the first row of data.

WAITING : Waits on 'SQL*Net message to client' for an acknowledgement that the SQL*Net packet was reliably delivered.

IDLE : Waits on 'SQL*Net message from client' for the next thing to do.

Most common wait events are..

Buffer Busy waits/Cache Buffers Chains Latch waits

•This wait happens when a session wants to access a database block in the buffer cache but it cannot as the buffer is "busy". The two main cases where this can occur are:

1.Another session is reading the block into the buffer
2.Another session holds the buffer in an incompatible mode to our request

Cache Buffers Chains Latch waits are caused by contention where multiple sessions waiting to read the same block.

Typical solutions are:-

Look at the execution plan for the SQL being run and try to reduce the gets per executions which will minimise the number of blocks being accessed and therefore reduce the chances of multiple sessions contending for the same block.

Increase the PCTFREE for the table storage parameter. This will result in less rows per block.

Consider implementing reverse key indexes. (if range scans aren't commonly used against the segment)

In v$session_wait, the P1, P2, and P3 columns identify the file number, block number, and buffer busy reason codes, respectively.

"Read By Other Session" wait event.

When user sessions request for data, Oracle will first read the data from disk into the database buffer cache. If two or more sessions request the same data, the first session will read the data into the buffer cache while other sessions wait. In previous versions, this wait was classified under the "buffer busy waits" event. However, in Oracle 10g and higher, this wait time is now broken out into the "read by other session" wait event.

Excessive waits for this event are typically due to several processes repeatedly reading the same blocks, e.g. many sessions scanning the same index or performing full table scans on the same table. Tuning this issue is a matter of finding and eliminating this contention.

When a session is waiting on this event, an entry will be seen in the v$session_wait system view giving more information on the blocks being waited for:

SELECT p1 "file#", p2 "block#"
FROM v$session_wait WHERE event = 'read by other session';

If information collected from the above query repeatedly shows that the same block (or range of blocks) is experiencing waits, this indicates a "hot" block or object.

The following query will give the name and type of the object:

SELECT owner, segment_name, segment_type
FROM dba_extents WHERE file_id = &file
AND &block BETWEEN block_id AND block_id + blocks - 1

Log File Sync waits

Log file sync waits occur when sessions wait for redo data to be written to disk.
Typically this is caused by slow writes or committing too frequently in the application.

  DB file sequential read

Wait for an I/O read request to complete. A sequential read is usually a single-block read. This differs from "db file scattered read" in that a sequential read reads data into contiguous memory (whilst a scattered read reads multiple blocks and scatters them into different buffers in the SGA).

  DB file scattered read

This wait happens when a session is waiting for a multiblock IO to complete. This typically occurs during full table scans or index fast full scans. Oracle reads up to DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT consecutive blocks at a time and scatters them into buffers in the buffer cache.

Direct path read

Direct path reads are generally used by Oracle when reading directly into PGA memory (as opposed to into the buffer cache).

This style of read request is typically used for:

Sort I/Os when memory Sort areas are exhausted and temporary tablespaces are used to perform the sort
Parallel Query slaves.

Direct path write

This wait is seen for:

Direct load operations (eg: Create Table as Select (CTAS) may use this)
Parallel DML operations
Sort IO (when a sort does not fit in memory)

DB file parallel write

DBW waits on "db file parallel write" when waiting for a parallel write to files and blocks to complete.
The db file parallel write occurs when the process, typically DBWR, has issued multiple I/O requests in parallel to write dirty blocks from the buffer cache to disk, and is waiting for all requests to complete.


From Oracle Database 10g a new view V$Session_wait_history will allow us to see the last few wait events a session waited on.

The last 10 wait events that a session experienced can be displayed using the v$session_wait_history view. The session has to be currently active. Once the session ends this information is not available.

We can use the seq# column to sort the wait events into the order in which the wait events occurred for the session.

Oracle Wait Events

Queries pass through hundreds of internal database processes called Oracle Wait Events.

Commonly encountered wait events include:

Block Change Tracking Buffer—Related to the sizing / usage of the CTWR dba buffer in the Large Pool memory structure.

Buffer Busy Wait—This wait event happens when a session tries to access a block in the buffer cache but it can't because the buffer is busy, that is another session is modifying the block and the contents of the block are in flux.

Control File Reads and Writes—The three different wait events of 'control file sequential read', 'control file single write', and 'control file parallel write' all contribute to the amount of time Oracle takes to keep the control file current. Through normal operation the control file is continuously hammered with reads and writes as it is being updated.

Db File Sequential Read—There are two things you can do to these waits: optimize the SQL statement or reduce the average wait time.

Direct Path Read Temp—When a session reads buffers from disk directly into the PGA, the wait is on direct path read temp. This is closely related to the direct path read wait.
Enq: TX - row lock contention—A wait for the Oracle TX enqueue in mode 6 (row lock contention) is a common enqueue wait, and occurs when a transaction tries to update or delete rows that are currently locked by another transaction.

Enq: TM - index contention—Waits on enq: TM - contention in Oracle indicate there are unindexed foreign key constraints. In this article, I examine how foreign key constraints relate to this wait event and how to tune for this event.

File Open—This wait event happens when the database needs to open a file. Wait time is recorded starting just prior to when the open request is issued and extends until the time the request is returned, having succeeded or failed, from the operating system.

Index Block Split—As applications, users or sessions request rows from a table, Oracle may determine which index access path is best for finding rows in a table. If another session is inserting or updating data during this index lookup process, which in turn causes updates to that index and requires an index block split, the first session must wait on that index block split until finished. This is the index block split wait event.

Latch Free—This wait event occurs when a session needs a latch, tries to get the latch, but fails because someone else has it. When this happens, the session sleeps with a wait on latch free, wakes up and tries again. The time it was asleep is the wait time for "latch free."

Locking and Enqueue Waits—Oracle enqueue waits indicate that a seesion is waiting for a lock that is held by another user (or sessions). For Oracle 9i, there is a specific Enqueue wait event. For Oracle 10g and later, the Enqueue wait event has been separated into more than 200 unique wait events, which each include more specific information about the related lock type.

Log Buffer Space—This wait event occurs when server processes write data into the log buffer faster than the LGWR process can write it out.

Log File Switch Completion—As data is manipulated and altered in an Oracle database, time must be spent recording and archiving these changes through redo log generation. The subsequent wait is known as Oracle log file switch completion.The performance impact of switching too many redo logs is the culprit.

Log File Sync—This wait event is triggered when a user session issues a commit (or a rollback). The user session will signal or post the LGWR to write the log buffer to the redo log file. When the LGWR has finished writing, it will post the user session.

Oracle RAC Wait Events— Monitoring an Oracle RAC database often means monitoring this situation and the amount of requests going back and forth over the RAC interconnect. The most common wait events related to this are gc cr request and gc buffer busy.

PL/SQL Lock Timer—This wait event represents the amount of time a user or application has "slept" through the USER_LOCK.SLEEP or DBMS_LOCK.SLEEP procedures. The PL/SQL lock timer event is worth watching because it can indicate issues with application response, throughput and possibly coding.

Ready by Other Session—When a session waits on the "read by other session" event, it indicates a wait for another session to read the data from disk into the Oracle buffer cache. If this happens too often the performance of the query or the entire database can suffer.

RO Enqueue—This wait event is used to synchronize the work required between a foreground process and background process such as DBWR or CKPT. It is most often seen when dropping objects or truncating tables.

Row Cache Lock Wait—In order for DDL (Data Definition Language) to execute, it must acquire a row cache lock to lock the Data Dictionary information. The shared pool contains a cache of rows from the data dictionary that helps reduce physical I/O to the data dictionary tables and allows locking of individual data dictionary rows.

Wait events Oracle 11g2 (RAC) – Enqueues

Enqueues – are shared memory structures (locks) that serialize access to database resources. They can be associated with a session or transaction. Enqueue names are displayed in the LOCK_TYPE column of the DBA_LOCK and DBA_LOCK_INTERNAL data dictionary views.

In case your session is slow you can always check what it’s waiting for in v$session table.

This query just shows sessions waiting for enqueue resources
SELECT sid, serial#, event, wait_class 
FROM v$session WHERE event LIKE 'enq:%';

To get description of an enqueue resource use following query.
  eq_name "Enqueue", 
  ev.name "Enqueue Type", 
  eq.req_description "Description"
FROM v$enqueue_statistics eq, v$event_name ev
WHERE eq.event#=ev.event#
ORDER BY ev.name;

Enqueue name Enqueue type Description
Auto BMR enq: AB – ABMR process initialized Lock held to ensure that ABMR process is initialized
Auto BMR enq: AB – ABMR process start/stop Lock held to ensure that only one ABMR is started in the cluster
ASM Disk AU Lock enq: AD – allocate AU Synchronizes accesses to a specific ASM disk AU
ASM Disk AU Lock enq: AD – deallocate AU Synchronizes accesses to a specific ASM disk AU
ASM Disk AU Lock enq: AD – relocate AU Synchronizes accesses to a specific ASM disk AU
Edition Lock enq: AE – lock Prevent Dropping an edition in use
Advisor Framework enq: AF – task serialization This enqueue is used to serialize access to an advisor task
Analytic Workspace Generation enq: AG – contention Synchronizes generation use of a particular workspace
ASM Enqueue enq: AM – ASM ACD Relocation Block ASM cache freeze
ASM Enqueue enq: AM – ASM Amdu Dump Allow only one AMDU dump when block read failure
ASM Enqueue enq: AM – ASM File Destroy Prevent same file deletion race
ASM Enqueue enq: AM – ASM Grow ACD Serializes growing ASM ACD
ASM Enqueue enq: AM – ASM Password File Update Allow one ASM password file update per cluster at a time
ASM Enqueue enq: AM – ASM User Prevents a user from being dropped if it owns any open files
ASM Enqueue enq: AM – ASM cache freeze Start ASM cache freeze
ASM Enqueue enq: AM – ASM disk based alloc/dealloc Synchronizes disk based allocations/deallocations
ASM Enqueue enq: AM – ASM file descriptor Serializes access to ASM file descriptors
ASM Enqueue enq: AM – ASM file relocation Serializes file relocation shrink and drop
ASM Enqueue enq: AM – ASM reserved Check id1 of call for specific purpose
ASM Enqueue enq: AM – background COD reservation Reserve a background COD entry
ASM Enqueue enq: AM – block repair Serializes block repairs
ASM Enqueue enq: AM – client registration Registers DB instance to ASM client state object hash
ASM Enqueue enq: AM – disk offline Synchronizes disk offlines
ASM Enqueue enq: AM – group block ASM group block
ASM Enqueue enq: AM – group use Client group use
ASM Enqueue enq: AM – rollback COD reservation Reserve a rollback COD entry
ASM Enqueue enq: AM – shutdown Prevent DB instance registration during ASM instance shutdown
MultiWriter Object Access enq: AO – contention Synchornizes access to objects and scalar variables
SPM Autopurge enq: AP – contention This enqueue is used to serialize the purging of SQL plan baselines
Service Operations enq: AS – service activation Synchronizes new service activation
Alter Tablespace enq: AT – contention Serializes ‘alter tablespace’ operations
ASM volume locks enq: AV – AVD client registration Serialize inst reg and first DG use
ASM volume locks enq: AV – add/enable first volume in DG Serialize taking the AVD DG enqueue
ASM volume locks enq: AV – persistent DG number prevent DG number collisions
ASM volume locks enq: AV – volume relocate Serialize relocating volume extents
Analytic Workspace enq: AW – AW generation lock In-use generation state for a particular workspace
Analytic Workspace enq: AW – AW state lock Row lock synchronization for the AW$ table
Analytic Workspace enq: AW – AW$ table lock Global access synchronization to the AW$ table
Analytic Workspace enq: AW – user access for AW Synchronizes user accesses to a particular workspace
KSXA Test Affinity Dictionary enq: AY – contention Affinity Dictionary test affinity synchronization
Global Transaction Branch enq: BB – 2PC across RAC instances 2PC distributed transaction branch across RAC instances
BLOOM FILTER enq: BF – PMON Join Filter cleanup PMON bloom filter recovery
BLOOM FILTER enq: BF – allocation contention Allocate a bloom filter in a parallel statement
clonedb bitmap file access enq: BM – clonedb bitmap file write synchronizes clonedb bitmap file operations
Backup/Restore enq: BR – file shrink Lock held to prevent file from decreasing in physical size during RMAN backup
Backup/Restore enq: BR – multi-section restore header Lock held to serialize file header access during multi-section restore
Backup/Restore enq: BR – multi-section restore section Lock held to serialize section access during multi-section restore
Backup/Restore enq: BR – perform autobackup Lock held to perform a new controlfile autobackup 
Backup/Restore enq: BR – proxy-copy Lock held to allow cleanup from backup mode during an RMAN proxy-copy backup
Backup/Restore enq: BR – request autobackup Lock held to request controlfile autobackups 
Backup/Restore enq: BR – space info datafile hdr update Lock held to prevent multiple process to update the headers at the same time
Calibration enq: CA – contention Synchronizes various IO calibration runs
Controlfile Transaction enq: CF – contention Synchronizes accesses to the controlfile
Cross-Instance Call Invocation enq: CI – contention Coordinates cross-instance function invocations
Label Security cache enq: CL – compare labels Synchronizes accesses to label cache for label comparison
Label Security cache enq: CL – drop label Synchronizes accesses to label cache when dropping a label
ASM Instance Enqueue enq: CM – diskgroup dismount serialize asm diskgroup dismount
ASM Instance Enqueue enq: CM – gate serialize access to instance enqueue
ASM Instance Enqueue enq: CM – instance indicate ASM diskgroup is mounted
KTCN REG enq enq: CN – race with init during descriptor initialization
KTCN REG enq enq: CN – race with reg during transaction commit to see concurrent registrations
KTCN REG enq enq: CN – race with txn during registration
KTUCLO Master Slave enq enq: CO – master slave det enqueue held be Master in Cleanout Optim
Cleanup querycache registrations enq: CQ – contention Serializes access to cleanup client query cache registrations
Reuse Block Range enq: CR – block range reuse ckpt Coordinates fast block range reuse ckpt
Block Change Tracking enq: CT – CTWR process start/stop Lock held to ensure that only one CTWR process is started in a single instance
Block Change Tracking enq: CT – change stream ownership Lock held by one instance while change tracking is enabled, to guarantee access to thread-specific resources
Block Change Tracking enq: CT – global space management Lock held during change tracking space management operations that affect the entire change tracking file
Block Change Tracking enq: CT – local space management Lock held during change tracking space management operations that affect just the data for one thread
Block Change Tracking enq: CT – reading Lock held to ensure that change tracking data remains in existence until a reader is done with it
Block Change Tracking enq: CT – state Lock held while enabling or disabling change tracking, to ensure that it is only enabled or disabled by one user at a time
Block Change Tracking enq: CT – state change gate 1 Lock held while enabling or disabling change tracking in RAC
Block Change Tracking enq: CT – state change gate 2 Lock held while enabling or disabling change tracking in RAC
Cursor enq: CU – contention Recovers cursors in case of death while compiling
TEXT: Index Specific Lock enq: CX – TEXT: Index Specific Lock Index Specific Lock on CTX index
DbsDriver enq: DB – contention Synchronizes modification of database wide supplementallogging attributes
ASM Local Disk Group enq: DD – contention Synchronizes local accesses to ASM disk groups
Datafile Online in RAC enq: DF – contention Enqueue held by foreground or DBWR when a datafile is brought online in RAC
ASM Disk Group Modification enq: DG – contention Synchronizes accesses to ASM disk groups
Direct Loader Index Creation enq: DL – contention Lock to prevent index DDL during direct load
Database Mount/Open enq: DM – contention Enqueue held by foreground or DBWR to syncrhonize database mount/open with other operations
Diskgroup number generator enq: DN – contention Serializes group number generations
ASM Disk Online Lock enq: DO – Staleness Registry create Synchronizes Staleness Registry creation
ASM Disk Online Lock enq: DO – disk online Synchronizes disk onlines and their recovery
ASM Disk Online Lock enq: DO – disk online operation Represents an active disk online operation
ASM Disk Online Lock enq: DO – disk online recovery Synchronizes disk onlines and their recovery
ASM Disk Online Lock enq: DO – startup of MARK process Synchronizes startup of MARK process
LDAP Parameter enq: DP – contention Synchronizes access to LDAP parameters
Distributed Recovery enq: DR – contention Serializes the active distributed recovery operation
Database Suspend enq: DS – contention Prevents a database suspend during LMON reconfiguration
Default Temporary Tablespace enq: DT – contention Serializes changing the default temporary table spaceand user creation
Diana Versioning enq: DV – contention Synchronizes access to lower-version Diana (PL/SQL intermediate representation)
In memory Dispenser enq: DW – contention Serialize in memory dispenser operations
Distributed Transaction enq: DX – contention Serializes tightly coupled distributed transaction branches
ASM File Access Lock enq: FA – access file Synchronizes accesses to open ASM files
Format Block enq: FB – contention Ensures that only one process can format data blcoks in auto segment space managed tablespaces
Disk Group Chunk Mount enq: FC – open an ACD thread LGWR opens an ACD thread
Disk Group Chunk Mount enq: FC – recover an ACD thread SMON recovers an ACD thread
Flashback Database enq: FD – Flashback coordinator Synchronization
Flashback Database enq: FD – Flashback logical operations Synchronization
Flashback Database enq: FD – Flashback on/off Synchronization
Flashback Database enq: FD – Marker generation Synchronization
Flashback Database enq: FD – Restore point create/drop Synchronization
Flashback Database enq: FD – Tablespace flashback on/off Synchronization
KTFA Recovery enq: FE – contention Serializes flashback archive recovery 
ACD Relocation Gate Enqueue enq: FG – FG redo generation enq race resolve race condition to acquire Disk Group Redo Generation Enqueue
ACD Relocation Gate Enqueue enq: FG – LGWR redo generation enq race resolve race condition to acquire Disk Group Redo Generation Enqueue
ACD Relocation Gate Enqueue enq: FG – serialize ACD relocate only 1 process in the cluster may do ACD relocation in a disk group
Flashback database log enq: FL – Flashback database log Synchronization
Flashback database log enq: FL – Flashback db command Enqueue used to synchronize Flashback Database and and deletion of flashback logs.
File Mapping enq: FM – contention Synchronizes access to global file mapping state
File Object enq: FP – global fob contention Synchronizes various File Object(FOB) operations
Disk Group Recovery enq: FR – contention begin recovery of disk group
Disk Group Recovery enq: FR – recover the thread wait for lock domain detach
Disk Group Recovery enq: FR – use the thread indicate this ACD thread is alive
File Set / Dictionary Check enq: FS – contention Enqueue used to synchronize recovery and file operations or synchronize dictionary check
Disk Group Redo Generation enq: FT – allow LGWR writes allow LGWR to generate redo in this thread
Disk Group Redo Generation enq: FT – disable LGWR writes prevent LGWR from generating redo in this thread
DBFUS enq: FU – contention This enqueue is used to serialize the capture of the DB Feature           Usage and High Water Mark Statistics
ACD Xtnt Info CIC enq: FX – issue ACD Xtnt Relocation CIC ARB relocates ACD extent
ASM Disk Header enq: HD – contention Serializes accesses to ASM SGA data structures
Queue Page enq: HP – contention Synchronizes accesses to queue pages
Hash Queue enq: HQ – contention Synchronizes the creation of new queue IDs
Direct Loader High Water Mark enq: HV – contention Lock used to broker the high water mark during parallel inserts
Segment High Water Mark enq: HW – contention Lock used to broker the high water mark during parallel inserts
Internal enq: IA – contention
NID enq: ID – contention Lock held to prevent other processes from performing controlfile transaction while NID is running
Label Security enq: IL – contention Synchronizes accesses to internal label data structures
Kti blr lock enq: IM – contention for blr Serializes block recovery for IMU txn
Instance Recovery enq: IR – contention Synchronizes instance recovery
Instance Recovery enq: IR – contention2 Synchronizes parallel instance recovery and shutdown immediate
Instance State enq: IS – contention Enqueue used to synchronize instance state changes
In-Mem Temp Table Meta Creation enq: IT – contention Synchronizes accesses to a temp object’s metadata
Job Queue Date enq: JD – contention Synchronizes dates between job queue coordinator and slave processes
Materialized View enq: JI – contention Lock held during materialized view operations (like refresh, alter) to prevent concurrent operations on the same materialized view
Job Queue enq: JQ – contention Lock to prevent multiple instances from running a single job
Job Scheduler enq: JS – aq sync Scheduler evt code and AQ sync
Job Scheduler enq: JS – contention Synchronizes accesses to the job cache
Job Scheduler enq: JS – evt notify Lock got during event notification
Job Scheduler enq: JS – evtsub add Lock got when adding subscriber to event q
Job Scheduler enq: JS – evtsub drop Lock got when dropping subscriber to event q
Job Scheduler enq: JS – job recov lock Lock to recover jobs running on crashed RAC inst
Job Scheduler enq: JS – job run lock – synchronize Lock to prevent job from running elsewhere
Job Scheduler enq: JS – q mem clnup lck Lock obtained when cleaning up q memory
Job Scheduler enq: JS – queue lock Lock on internal scheduler queue
Job Scheduler enq: JS – sch locl enqs Scheduler non-global enqueues
Job Scheduler enq: JS – wdw op Lock got when doing window open/close
SQL STATEMENT QUEUE enq: JX – SQL statement queue  statement
SQL STATEMENT QUEUE enq: JX – cleanup of  queue release SQL statement resources
Scheduler Master DBRM enq: KD – determine DBRM master Determine DBRM master
Scheduler enq: KM – contention Synchronizes various Resource Manager operations
Multiple Object Checkpoint enq: KO – fast object checkpoint Coordinates fast object checkpoint
Kupp Process Startup enq: KP – contention Synchronizes kupp process startup
ASM Attributes Enque enq: KQ – access ASM attribute Synchronization of ASM cached attributes
Scheduler Plan enq: KT – contention Synchronizes accesses to the current Resource Manager plan
Materialized View Log DDL enq: MD – contention Lock held during materialized view log DDL statements
AQ Notification Mail Host enq: MH – contention Lock used for recovery when setting Mail Host for AQ e-mail notifications
Master Key enq: MK – contention changing values in enc$
AQ Notification Mail Port enq: ML – contention Lock used for recovery when setting Mail Port for AQ e-mail notifications
LogMiner enq: MN – contention Synchronizes updates to the LogMiner dictionary and prevents multiple instances from preparing the same LogMiner session
MMON restricted session enq: MO – contention Serialize MMON operations for restricted sessions
Media Recovery enq: MR – contention Lock used to coordinate media recovery with other uses of datafiles
Media Recovery enq: MR – standby role transition Lock used to disallow concurrent standby role transition attempt
Materialized View Refresh Log enq: MS – contention Lock held during materialized view refresh to setup MV log
Online Datafile Move enq: MV – datafile move Held during online datafile move operation or cleanup
MWIN Schedule enq: MW – contention This enqueue is used to serialize the calibration of the           manageability schedules with the Maintenance Window
ksz synch enq: MX – sync storage server info Lock held to generate a response to the storage server information request when an instance is starting up
Outline Cache enq: OC – contention Synchronizes write accesses to the outline cache
Online DDLs enq: OD – Serializing DDLs Lock to prevent concurrent online DDLs
Outline Name enq: OL – contention Synchronizes accesses to a particular outline name
OLAPI Histories enq: OQ – xsoq*histrecb Synchronizes access to olapi history parameter CB
OLAPI Histories enq: OQ – xsoqhiAlloc Synchronizes access to olapi history allocation
OLAPI Histories enq: OQ – xsoqhiClose Synchronizes access to olapi history closing
OLAPI Histories enq: OQ – xsoqhiFlush Synchronizes access to olapi history flushing
OLAPI Histories enq: OQ – xsoqhistrecb Synchronizes access to olapi history globals
TEXT: Generic Lock enq: OT – TEXT: Generic Lock CTX Generic Locks
Encryption Wallet enq: OW – initialization initializing the wallet context
Encryption Wallet enq: OW – termination terminate the wallet context
Property Lock enq: PD – contention Prevents others from updating the same property
Parameter enq: PE – contention Synchronizes system parameter updates
Password File enq: PF – contention Synchronizes accesses to the password file
Global Parameter enq: PG – contention Synchronizes global system parameter updates
AQ Notification Proxy enq: PH – contention Lock used for recovery when setting Proxy for AQ HTTP notifications
Remote PX Process Spawn Status enq: PI – contention Communicates remote Parallel Execution Server Process creation status
Transportable Tablespace enq: PL – contention Coordinates plug-in operation of transportable tablespaces
Process Startup enq: PR – contention Synchronizes process startup
PX Process Reservation enq: PS – contention Parallel Execution Server Process reservation and synchronization
ASM Partnership and Status Table enq: PT – contention Synchronizes access to ASM PST metadata
KSV slave startup enq: PV – syncshut Synchronizes instance shutdown_slvstart
KSV slave startup enq: PV – syncstart Synchronizes slave start_shutdown
Buffer Cache PreWarm enq: PW – flush prewarm buffers Direct Load needs to flush prewarmed buffers if DBWR 0 holds enqueue
Buffer Cache PreWarm enq: PW – perwarm status in dbw0 DBWR 0 holds enqueue indicating prewarmed buffers present in cache
ASM Rollback Recovery enq: RB – contention Serializes ASM rollback recovery operations
Result Cache: Enqueue enq: RC – Result Cache: Contention Coordinates access to a result-set
RAC Load enq: RD – RAC load  update RAC load info
Block Repair/Resilvering enq: RE – block repair contention Synchronize block repair/resilvering operations
Data Guard Broker enq: RF – DG Broker Current File ID Identifies which configuration metadata file is current
Data Guard Broker enq: RF – FSFO Observer Heartbeat Captures recent Fast-Start Failover Observer heartbeat information
Data Guard Broker enq: RF – FSFO Primary Shutdown suspended Records when FSFO Primary Shutdown is suspended
Data Guard Broker enq: RF – RF – Database Automatic Disable Means for detecting when database is being automatically disabled
Data Guard Broker enq: RF – atomicity Ensures atomicity of log transport setup
Data Guard Broker enq: RF – new AI Synchronizes selection of the new apply instance
Data Guard Broker enq: RF – synch: DG Broker metadata Ensures r/w atomicity of DG configuration metadata
Data Guard Broker enq: RF – synchronization: aifo master Synchronizes apply instance failure detection and failover operation
Data Guard Broker enq: RF – synchronization: critical ai Synchronizes critical apply instance among primary instances
wallet_set_mkey enq: RK – set key wallet master key rekey
RAC Encryption Wallet Lock enq: RL – RAC wallet lock RAC wallet lock
Redo Log Nab Computation enq: RN – contention Coordinates nab computations of online logs during recovery
Multiple Object Reuse enq: RO – contention Coordinates flushing of multiple objects
Multiple Object Reuse enq: RO – fast object reuse Coordinates fast object reuse
Resilver / Repair enq: RP – contention Enqueue held when resilvering is needed or when datablock is repaired from mirror
Workload Capture and Replay enq: RR – contention Concurrent invocation of DBMS_WORKLOAD_* package API
Reclaimable Space enq: RS – file delete Lock held to prevent file from accessing during space reclaimation
Reclaimable Space enq: RS – persist alert level Lock held to make alert level persistent
Reclaimable Space enq: RS – prevent aging list update Lock held to prevent aging list update
Reclaimable Space enq: RS – prevent file delete Lock held to prevent deleting file to reclaim space
Reclaimable Space enq: RS – read alert level Lock held to read alert level
Reclaimable Space enq: RS – record reuse Lock held to prevent file from accessing while reusing circular record
Reclaimable Space enq: RS – write alert level Lock held to write alert level
Redo Thread enq: RT – contention Thread locks held by LGWR, DBW0, and RVWR to indicate mounted or open status
Redo Thread enq: RT – thread internal enable/disable Thread locks held by CKPT to synchronize thread enable and disable
Rolling Migration enq: RU – contention Serializes rolling migration operations
Rolling Migration enq: RU – waiting Results of rolling migration CIC
Materialized View Flags enq: RW – MV metadata contention Lock held by CREATE/ALTER/DROP materialized viewwhile updating materialized view flags in detail tables
ASM Extent Relocation Lock enq: RX – relocate extent Synchronizes relocating ASM extents
ASM Extent Relocation Lock enq: RX – unlock extent Synchronizes unlocking ASM extents
LogicalStandby enq: SB – logical standby metadata Synchronizes Logical Standby metadata operations
LogicalStandby enq: SB – table instantiation Synchronizes table instantiation and EDS operations
Session Migration enq: SE – contention Synchronizes transparent session migration operations
AQ Notification Sender enq: SF – contention Lock used for recovery when setting Sender for AQ e-mail notifications
Active Session History Flushing enq: SH – contention Should seldom see this contention as this Enqueue is always  acquired in no-wait mode
Streams Table Instantiation enq: SI – contention Prevents multiple streams tabel instantiations
KTSJ Slave Task Cancel enq: SJ – Slave Task Cancel Serializes cancelling task executed by slave process
Shrink Segment enq: SK – contention Serialize shrink of a segment
Serialize Lock request enq: SL – escalate lock sending lock escalate to LCK0
Serialize Lock request enq: SL – get lock sending lock req to LCK0
Serialize Lock request enq: SL – get lock for undo sending lock req for undo to LCK0
Shared Object enq: SO – contention Synchronizes access to Shared Object (PL/SQL Shared Object Manager)
Spare Enqueue enq: SP – contention 1 (1) due to one-off patch
Spare Enqueue enq: SP – contention 2 (2) due to one-off patch
Spare Enqueue enq: SP – contention 3 (3) due to one-off patch
Spare Enqueue enq: SP – contention 4 (4) due to one-off patch
Sequence Cache enq: SQ – contention Lock to ensure that only one process can replenish the sequence cache
Synchronized Replication enq: SR – contention Coordinates replication / streams operations
Sort Segment enq: SS – contention Ensures that sort segments created during parallel DML operations aren’t prematurely cleaned up
Space Transaction enq: ST – contention Synchronizes space management activities in dictionary-managed tablespaces
SaveUndo Segment enq: SU – contention Serializes access to SaveUndo Segment
Suspend Writes enq: SW – contention Coordinates the ‘alter system suspend’ operation
Instance Undo enq: TA – contention Serializes operations on undo segments and undo tablespaces
SQL Tuning Base Existence Cache enq: TB – SQL Tuning Base Cache Load Synchronizes writes to the SQL Tuning Base Existence Cache
SQL Tuning Base Existence Cache enq: TB – SQL Tuning Base Cache Update Synchronizes writes to the SQL Tuning Base Existence Cache
Tablespace Checkpoint enq: TC – contention Lock held to guarantee uniqueness of a tablespace checkpoint
Tablespace Checkpoint enq: TC – contention2 Lock of setup of a unqiue tablespace checkpoint in null mode
KTF map table enqueue enq: TD – KTF dump entries KTF dumping time/scn mappings in SMON_SCN_TIME table
KTF broadcast enq: TE – KTF broadcast KTF broadcasting
Temporary File enq: TF – contention Serializes dropping of a temporary file
Threshold Chain enq: TH – metric threshold evaluation Serializes threshold in-memory chain access
Auto Task Serialization enq: TK – Auto Task Serialization Lock held by MMON to prevent other MMON spawning of Autotask Slave
Auto Task Serialization enq: TK – Auto Task Slave Lockout Serializes spawned Autotask Slaves
Log Lock enq: TL – contention Serializes threshold log table read and update
DML enq: TM – contention Synchronizes accesses to an object
Temp Object enq: TO – contention Synchronizes DDL and DML operations on a temp object
Runtime Fixed Table Purge enq: TP – contention Lock held during purge and dynamic reconfiguration of fixed tables.
Queue table enqueue enq: TQ – DDL contention TM access to the queue table
Queue table enqueue enq: TQ – DDL-INI contention Streams DDL on queue table
Queue table enqueue enq: TQ – INI contention TM access to the queue table
Queue table enqueue enq: TQ – TM contention TM access to the queue table
Temporary Segment enq: TS – contention Serializes accesses to temp segments
Tablespace enq: TT – contention Serializes DDL operations on tablespaces
Cross-Instance Transaction enq: TW – contention Lock held by one instance to wait for transactions on all instances to finish
Transaction enq: TX – allocate ITL entry Allocating an ITL entry in order to begin a transaction
Transaction enq: TX – contention Lock held by a transaction to allow other transactions to wait for it
Transaction enq: TX – index contention Lock held on an index during a split to prevent other operations on it
Transaction enq: TX – row lock contention Lock held on a particular row by a transaction to prevent other transactions from modifying it
User-defined enq: UL – contention Lock used by user applications
Undo Segment enq: US – contention Lock held to perform DDL on the undo segment
AQ Notification Watermark enq: WA – contention Lock used for recovery when setting Watermark for memory usage in AQ notifications
AWR Flush enq: WF – contention This enqueue is used to serialize the flushing of snapshots
Write gather local enqueue enq: WG – delete fso acquire lobid local enqueue when deleting fso
Write gather local enqueue enq: WG – lock fso acquire lobid local enqueue when locking fso
Being Written Redo Log enq: WL – RAC-wide SGA contention Serialize access to RAC-wide SGA
Being Written Redo Log enq: WL – RFS global state contention Serialize access to RFS global state
Being Written Redo Log enq: WL – Test access/locking Testing redo transport access/locking
Being Written Redo Log enq: WL – contention Coordinates access to redo log files and archive logs
WLM Plan Operations enq: WM – WLM Plan activation Synchronizes new WLM Plan activation
AWR Purge enq: WP – contention This enqueue handles concurrency between purging and baselines
LNS archiving log enq: WR – contention Coordinates access to logs by Async LNS and ARCH/FG
XDB Configuration enq: XC – XDB Configuration Lock obtained when incrementing XDB configuration version number
Auto Online Exadata disks enq: XD – ASM disk OFFLINE Serialize OFFLINE Exadata disk operations
Auto Online Exadata disks enq: XD – ASM disk ONLINE Serialize ONLINE Exadata disk operations
Auto Online Exadata disks enq: XD – ASM disk drop/add Serialize Auto Drop/Add Exadata disk operations
AQ Notification No-Proxy enq: XH – contention Lock used for recovery when setting No Proxy Domains for AQ HTTP notifications
ASM Extent Fault Lock enq: XL – fault extent map Keep multiple processes from faulting in the same extent chunk
ASM Extent Relocation Enqueue enq: XQ – purification wait for relocation before doing block purification
ASM Extent Relocation Enqueue enq: XQ – recovery prevent relocation during _recovery_asserts checking
ASM Extent Relocation Enqueue enq: XQ – relocation wait for recovery before doing relocation
Quiesce / Force Logging enq: XR – database force logging Lock held during database force logging mode
Quiesce / Force Logging enq: XR – quiesce database Lock held during database quiesce
Internal Test enq: XY – contention Lock used for internal testing
Audit Partition enq: ZA – add std audit table partition lock held to add partition to std audit table
FGA Partition enq: ZF – add fga audit table partition lock held to add partition to fga audit table
File Group enq: ZG – contention Coordinates file group operations
Compression Analyzer enq: ZH – compression analysis Synchronizes analysis and insert into compression$, prevents multiple threads analyzing the same table during a load
Global Context Action enq: ZZ – update hash tables lock held for updating global context hash tables



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Oracle Database 23AI session-related scripts.

  Oracle Database 23AI session-related scripts. ##Columns Name Details### sid - session identifier serial# - session serial number osuser - ...