Oracle Application R12 (12.1.3) Installation on Linux(64 bit)

Step by Step instructions to install Oracle Applications R12(12.1.1) on Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 are described in this article. This is a single node installation, meaning that the database, all product directories and AD core directories, and all servers (concurrent processing, forms, and Web) are installed on a single node under one common APPL_TOP.
The database node and the Applications node can be installed on the same machine. This type of installation is generally used for small systems or for demonstration purposes. More commonly, the database node is installed on one machine, and the Applications node on another machine. This provides improved manageability, scalability, and performance.
This document will take Linux 64 bit platform as example. And my hardware configuration is
2 * Intel(R) Xeon(R) X5670 2.93GHz
6 G
Disk Space
/u01  300 GB
/u02  200 GB
/         100 GB

Download & Unzip
Official Download Link
For Oracle Internal User, you can also download from link:
(NOTE: Choose proper platform and 32 bit/64 bit download files)
Download Tips:
Use the following command for Batch download, firstly collect all URLs required and put it in a text file, say download.txt, one URL on a line
wget -i download.txt
(-i means Read URLs from file.)
Create stage area - for downloaded installation pack, just unzip all zip files under stage area directory StageR12, eg.
unzip -d /u02/ StageR12
unzip -d /u02/ StageR12
… …
After unzip, File Path in StageR12 like following,
MD5 Checksums
Strongly suggest you perform MD5 check against the stage area.
The md5 checksums for the staged directory structure can be used to validate the software integrity. Do this by running the md5sum program against the stage area using the oracle created checksum file. Note for can observe you have any problem with your stage or not(Corrupted zip etc)
MD5 Checksums for R12.1.1 Rapid Install Media (Doc ID 802195.1)
Pre-Install Task
Disk Space
File System Space Requirements for Standard Installation
Space Required
Applications node file system (includes OracleAS 10.1.2 Oracle Home, OracleAS 10.1.3 Oracle Home, COMMON_TOP, APPL_TOP,and INST_TOP)
35 GB (50 GB on HP-UX Itanium)
Database node file system (Fresh install)
55 GB
Database node file system (Vision Demo Database)
208 GB (210 GB on HP-UX Itanium)
Stage area(unzipped files)
47 GB
The total space required for a standard system (not including the stage area) is 85 GB for a fresh install with a production database, and 233 GB for a fresh install with a Vision Demo database.
You can use below Unix command to check disk space
df –h
Specific Software Requirements
The following maintenance tools must be installed on machine, and their locations specified both in the PATH of the account that runs Rapid Install and in the PATH of the accounts that will own the database tier and application tier file systems.
Operating System
Required Maintenance Tools
Linux x86
ar, gcc, g++, ld, ksh, make, X Display Server
Linux x86-64
ar, gcc, g++, ld, ksh, make, X Display Server
HP-UX Itanium
ar, cc, aCC, make, X Display Server
ar, cc, aCC, make, X Display Server
IBM AIX on Power Systems (64-bit)
ar, cc, aCC, make, X Display Server
Microsoft Windows Server (32-bit)
ar, cc, ld, linkxlC, make, X Display Server
Sun Solaris SPARC (64-bit)
ar, ld, make, X Display Server
Per Note: 761566.1
First, you should check your Linux Kernel, to determine your linux version, enter:
uname –r
So my Linux is Linux 6, For Linux 6, Required Packages is
GA (6.0) or higher of Oracle Linux 6 is required
The following packages (or versions of packages) are not part of the OS distribution media and must be downloaded separately (from for Oracle Linux 6 and installed manually:

    openmotif21-2.1.30-11.EL6.i686 (32-bit)1
    xorg-x11-libs-compat-6.8.2-1.EL.33.0.1.i386 (32-bit)

The following packages must be installed from the Oracle Linux 6 distribution media:

    glibc-2.12-1.7.el6.i686 (32-bit)
    glibc-devel-2.12-1.7.el6.i686 (32-bit)

Additionally, the following RPMs are required for the database tier running 11gR2 (users must upgrade the bundled 11gR1 DB to 11gR2 either before or after installing 12.1) on the database tier:



    1: The openmotif package version must be 2.1.30 (for example, openmotif-2.3.3-1 is not supported).
2: This unzip package (available from EL 5 distribution) is only required for purposes of running Rapid Install to unzip the required EBS files as part of the installation.

Be sure you have above rmp on your system, you can use below command to check whether RPM packages are installed or not
rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME}-%{VERSION}.%{RELEASE} (%{ARCH})\n" | grep gcc
q = query
a = all
What’s the RPM:The Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) is a toolset used to build and manage software packages on UNIX systems. Distributed with the Red Hat Linux distribution and its derivatives (CentOS is 100% compatible rebuild of the Rehat Enterprise Linux).
The RPM files represent application or package that you can install on Linux system.
JDK 6 is bundled with Oracle E-Business Suite version 12.1.1. You do NOT need to install the JDK separately.
For Oracle Linux 4, 5 and 6, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and 5:
Verify that the /etc/hosts file is formatted as follows: localhost.localdomain localhost
[ip_address] [node_name].[domain_name] [node_name]
Verify that the /etc/sysconfig/network file is formatted as follows:
If the /etc/sysconfig/networking/profiles/default/network file exists, remove it.
If you changed any files in the previous steps, restart the system.
Edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file to configure your kernel settings. After editing the file, use the "sysctl -p" command or restart the system to invoke the new settings.
Note: If the current value for any parameter is higher than the value listed in the following table, then do not change the value of that parameter.
The following table lists the kernel settings for Oracle Linux 4, 5 and 6, Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 4 and 5, and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 and 10:
1: set using the following entry in the /etc/sysctl.conf file: kernel.sem = 256 32000 100 142
2: On the server running the EBS Database, this kernel parameter must be the lesser of half the size of the physical memory (in bytes) and 4294967295
3: values recommended for the local port range may need to be adjusted according to the specific needs of the user's environment in order to avoid port conflicts.
Open the /etc/security/limits.conf file and change the existing values for "hard" and "soft" parameters as follows. Restart the system after making changes.
Note: If the current value for any parameter is higher than the value listed in this document, then do not change the value of that parameter.

  * hard nofile 65535
  * soft nofile 4096
  * hard nproc 16384
  * soft nproc 2047
Add or update the following entries to these minimum settings in the /etc/resolv.conf file on each server node:
options attempts:5
options timeout:15
OS Library Patch for Oracle HTTP Server(on Oracle Linux 5, RHEL 5 and Oracle Linux 6 only)
Download and apply the patch 6078836 from My Oracle Support to fix an issue with the Oracle HTTP Server (missing bundled with the E-Business Suite technology stack.
Note that this patch (which includes a required operating system library) must be applied before installing Oracle E-Business Suite.
Without this patch, after installation, HTTP Server can not start.
Link to Motif library in Oracle Application Server 10.1.2 (on Oracle Linux 5 and RHEL 5 only)
Perform the following command (as root on your system) to update a required link to a Motif library prior to relinking or patching the 10.1.2 Application Server Oracle Home:
# unlink /usr/lib/
# ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/ /usr/lib/
OS User & Group
Generally for PROD instance, we need create two OS user for installation, one user is used to manage DB, the other is used to manage Apps.
Since our instance is a TEST instance, so for simple, we just create one user to manage DB and Apps, Here we use ‘oracle’ as user, use ‘oinstall’  as group.
# groupadd oinstall -g 2000
# useradd -g oinstall -u 2000 oracle
# chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01/oracle
chown changes the user and/or group ownership of each given file.
-R, operate on files and directories recursively
Installation process
Export Display
To ensure we have a graphical installation process, we can export server to our local linux which have X window system. If your server have installed X window, then you can ignore this step.
(ptian) ptian- env | grep ALTDISPLAY
(First, in our local linux, Check our local linux’s host and port)
(ptian) ptian- ssh's password:
Last login: Thu May 31 21:32:49 2012 from
(SSH to server which we intend to install EBS)
[admin@bej301441 ~]$ export
If you intend to use standard installation mode, you need login as root user.
 [root@bej301441 rapidwiz]#cd /u02/StageR12/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz
[root@bej301441 rapidwiz]# ./rapidwiz
Rapid Install Wizard is validating your file system......
4 dvd labels found
Rapid Install Wizard will now launch the Java Interface.....
Default Oracle EBS Ports
Port numbers can be modified during installation or may be automatically incremented by x during installation where x is a number 1 to 100 (typical less than 10). Port number ranges are often a grouping of 3, 4, 5, or 6 contiguous ports in the specified range.
LoginTest: http://<host_name>.<domain_name>:port/OA_HTML/AppsLogin

Add Env parameter to .bash_profile file
.bash_profile is a bash shell that is started when login.
For DB user, Modify /.bash_profile, add your DB env file path into it, eg.
. /u01/oracle/mc3yd213/db/tech_st/11.1.0/mc3yd213_bej301441.env

For Apps user, Modify /.bash_profile, add your Apps env file path into it, eg.
. /u01/oracle/mc3yd213/apps/apps_st/appl/APPSmc3yd213_bej301441.env
Default DB & Apps password

Application Schema passwords:

Application Users:
R12 Directory Structure
===For Applmgr User===
NOTE: Oracle Applicaitons product files, including $INV_TOP, $AU_TOP....

R12:<APPS_BASE>/apps/apps_st/comn(Common files such as Java&HTML)


===For Oracle User===
NOTE:Oracle Home for 10g RDBMS

NOTE:Oracle 10g database files

EBS 12.1.3 upgrade
Download patch 9239090
Download 12.1.3 patch:
NOTE: the linux 32-bit and the 64-bit patch are one and the same. 32-bit Linux  patches are applicable for 64-bit Linux OS as well.
Official Documents
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 Readme (Doc ID 1080973.1)
Database Preparation Guidelines for an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.1 Upgrade [Doc ID 761570.1]
Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.1.1) for Linux x86 [Document 761564.1]
External references
2. Installation packs
* Patch 9239089
* Patch 9239090
* Patch 9239095
* Patch 9817770
* Patch 9966055
Installation process
1.Set Application Environment
source /d01/oracle/VIS/apps/apps_st/appl/APPSVIS_adc6180205.env

2. stop all application process.
/d01/oracle/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_adc6180205/admin/scripts/ apps/apps

3. set environment to RDBMS oracle_home.
source /d01/oracle/VIS/db/tech_st/11.1.0/VIS_adc6180205.env

4.Shutdown Database as following
sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL>shutdown immediate;

5.Stop Database Listener
lsnrctl stop VIS

6. edit the init parameter file in the database(Using 11gR1 follow doc.761570.1)
vi initVIS.ora
add (_disable_fast_validate=TRUE).

7. set pga and sga size in init parameter file (initVIS.ora file)
(If errorlike below:
ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 822904 bytes (pga heap, kco buffer)
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [dbgtfdFileWrite()+48]
set the _pga_max_size initialization parameter to a larger value as follows: _pga_max_size=104857600
and restart your database.)

8.start Database Listener
lsnrctl start VIS

9. restart the database.
sqlplus / as sysdba
sql> startup pfile='/d01/oracle/VIS/db/tech_st/11.1.0/dbs/initVIS.ora'

10. Use AutoPatch to apply R12.AD.B.DELTA.3 Patch 9239089
Pre Install Steps as per Patch readmefile & Doc.1077769.1
(i)create a dir on $ORACLE_HOME/appustil/admin
(ii)Copy adgrants.sql from this patch directory to $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin
cp /u01/12.1.3/9239089/admin/adgrants.sql /d01/oracle/VIS/db/tech_st/11.1.0/appsutil/admin/adgrants.sql
(iii) Set the database environment
(iv)logon to sqlplus and run adgrants.sql with apps schema password as below
sqlplus /nolog
sql> connect as sysdba
sql> @/u01/oracle/ORCL/db/tech_st/11.1.0/appsutil/admin/adgrants.sql apps

11. Disable maintanance mode using adadmin utility

12. set application environment.
Run Patch 9239089 using adpatch
(Check Log file in /u01/oracle/ORCL/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/ORCL/log/u9239089_12122011.log)

13. Compile APPS schema
Run adadmin > Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities menu >Compile APPS schema.
*Choose "No" at the following prompt:Run Invoker Rights processing in incremental mode [No]

14.Apply patch 9239090 using adpatch
(When adrelink error chose "Yes" to continue)

15. Post Step (There is no any pre or post install steps)
Apply Patches *Patch 9817770
*Patch 9966055

16.Remove _disable_fast_validate=TRUE parameter from initVIS.ora file

17.Disable Maintanence mode

18.Run Autocnfig both database and application tier

2. Query patches applied in table
3. License applications
Issues & Solutions
RW-50004: Error code received when running external process.
Error Message:” RW-50010: Error: - script has returned an error:   1
RW-50004: Error code received when running external process.  Check log file for details.
Running Database Install Driver for mc2yd213 instance”
When installation progress go to 33%, then raise RW-50004 Error, Generally it is due to OS user/group you used may not have correct priority to installation folder.
You can check details from logs.
RW-50015: Error: - HTTP Listener is not responding.
Error Message:” RW-50015: Error: - HTTP Listener is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.”
It means you did not apply patch 6078836.
Download and apply the patch 6078836 from My Oracle Support to fix an issue with the Oracle HTTP Server (missing bundled with the E-Business Suite technology stack.
Enter the location for the disk labeled: Oracle Applications Rapid Install – RDBMS Disk 1
While installation, it pop us a window which ask to select install disk.
Error Message:
“Select the root directory of the required Rapid Install Disk
Enter the location for the disk labled:
Oracle Applications Rapid Install - RDBMS Disk 1”
This is very big mistake, log will tell you reason
Disk platform missmatch.
required platform: LINUX_X86-64
Disks for platform: Linux
While adpatch EBS 12.1.3, encounter ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
From adpatch,”
ERROR at line 1: 
ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel 
ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE  “
Solution: Edit the init parameter file in the database(Using 11gR1 follow doc.761570.1)

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