Error running SQL and EXEC commands in parallel

This issue has occurred when we do applying the patches on the Apps_Tier.

The cause of this is auto patch previous sessions are still exists in the server and failing the ad workers 

with the following error.


11 workers have quit.  Waiting for 9 more.

12 workers have quit.  Waiting for 8 more.

 All workers have quit.

 Completed: file apgtxlat.sql on worker  1 for product ap  username AP.

 Error running SQL and EXEC commands in parallel

 You should check the file

AutoPatch error:

Error running SQL and EXEC commands in parallel


1. adpatch or adop process was killed from OS level while patch is being applied

2. Database shutdown or terminated


Kill the ad patch sessions and try to apply the patch again.

1. [applmgr@oracle log]$ ps -eaf | grep adpatch

  appluat  14552 14525  0 08:15 pts/4    00:00:00 grep adpatch


 [applmgr@oracle log]$ ps -efa | grep adworker

2.[applmgr@oracle log]$ Mydb>kill -9 <pid>

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