Enable Trace for Concurrent Programs in Oracle Apps R12.1.3

Tracing the Concurrent program is very good option to Debug any issue while running the concurrent program.

Agenda :

 To enable the Trace for Concurrent Programs
 To Debug the issues in Concurrent Programs or its dependent objects.

Steps :

 1. Goto Concurrent Program Definition

Application Developer –> Concurrent –> Program –> check Enable Trace

save it.

Query your concurrent program and check the Enable Trace check box at the bottom of the screen.

2. Set the Profile Concurrent: Allow Debugging to YES.

save it.

3. Navigate to the Responsibility from where you are running the program.

4. Before Submitting the Concurrent Program in Submit Request screen there will be an option like Debug Options click on that button.

5. In the Debug Options select the SQL Trace and enable Trace with binds.

6. Submit the Concurrent Program and note down the Request id.

7.Trace file name will always be post fixed with oracle_process_id.To get the oracle_process_id use the below SQL
 select oracle_process_id from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id= Request_id;

8.And the Trace file path can be derived using the below

SQL> Select * from v$parameter where name=’user_dump_dest’;

Trace file location:-

How ro convert .trc to .out file :-
tkprof ACSDEV_ora_15529_SEKARS.trc ACSDEV_ora_15529_SEKARS.out  explain=apps/apps  sys=no sort=PRSDSK,EXEDSK,FCHDSK,EXECPU,FCHCPU

9. Get the trace file to your local machine.Understanding the raw trace is very complex so use
TKPROF utility to make the Trace file readable.

10. Open the Command Prompt and run the below command
 TKPROF < Trace File_Name.trc> <Output_File_Name.out> SORT=fchela

11.A new outfile will be generated with the name given in the above command.
Analyse the Output file to know the answers for your problem.

Sql queries to find the log files by Request id

select req.oracle_process_id tracename, req.request_id, req.requested_by,usr.user_name,
prog.user_concurrent_program_name, req.request_date, req.phase_code, req.status_code, req.logfile_name ,
req.outfile_name, dest.value as user_dump_dest from apps. fnd_concurrent_requests req, gv$parameter dest,
apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_vl prog, apps.fnd_user usr

where  req. concurrent_program_id = prog.concurrent_program_id

and req.requested_by = usr.user_id

–and request_id like '17352717'

and dest.name= 'user_dump_dest'

and request_id like & Request_id;

Sql query find the log files by username

select req.oracle_process_id tracename, req.request_id, req.requested_by,usr.user_name,
prog.user_concurrent_program_name, req.request_date,  req.phase_code, req.status_code, req.logfile_name ,
req.outfile_name, dest.value as user_dump_dest

from apps. fnd_concurrent_requests req, gv$parameter dest, apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_vl prog, apps.fnd_user usr

where  req. concurrent_program_id = prog.concurrent_program_id

and req.requested_by = usr.user_id

–and request_id like '17352717'

and dest.name= ‘user_dump_dest’

and usr.user_name like ‘sujeet%jha%’

order by request_date desc

SQL> select oracle_process_id from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id = &Request_id;

 SQL> select * from apps. fnd_concurrent_requests req,gv$parameter dest , apps .fnd_concurrent_programs_vl prog
where  req. concurrent_program_id = prog.concurrent_program_id and request_id like '17352717' and dest.name= ‘user_dump_dest’

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