ORA-06598: insufficient INHERIT PRIVILEGES privilege

12c prevents this with this new feature:

12c introduced this new piece of functionality that initially looks a little odd but actually does make sense when you follow it through, i would imagine there are limited cases though where this specific functionality is required.

What it essentially allows only is relevant  for invokers rights procedures where you might want a certain piece of the code block to have rights that the invoker might not have and you don't want to give them that right directly - you only want it to be valid when they run that code block. This new feature allows you to do that - with me so far?

Ok lets do a quick demo, we'll create a c##test user which will own the plsql procedure and a c##rich user who we will let invoke it but we don't actually want that user to have any additional rights - just be able to run the few lines of plsql with elevated rights. Now you could argue here - why bother with invokers rights then just run with definers rights - and in the simple case below that is true - but I'm sure there are more complex other cases where this new feature is useful.

Anyway lets set a few things up - starting with the user

Re-create grants and synonyms for Apps Schema using adadmin utility

Facing below error
sqlplus -s APPS/***** @/apps/ebs/apps/apps_st/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/sql/adgrnctx.sql &systempwd &un_fnd CTXSYS &un_jtf JTF

User altered.
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06598: insufficient INHERIT PRIVILEGES privilege
ORA-06512: at "SYSTEM.AD_DDL", line 165
ORA-06512: at line 160

Solution: -

12c prevents this with this new feature:
But if SYS trusts x, the following can be done:

SQL> grant inherit privileges on user sys to system;
Grant succeeded.

This will allow x to inherit the privileges of SYS when running code like the above.

SQL> grant INHERIT PRIVILEGES ON USER sys to public;
Grant succeeded.

SQL> grant INHERIT PRIVILEGES ON USER system to apps;
Grant succeeded.

SQL> grant dba to system;
Grant succeeded.

SQL> grant dba to apps;

Grant succeeded.

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