
I am getting the following ORA-28 error in my alert log:
Following errors written to the Alert log file. Please verify
ORA-28 : opiodr aborting process unknown ospid (18941_47665083519440)


ORA 28:  Your session has been killed.


 A privileged user killed the session and it is no longer logged in to the database.


Contact the DBA.   The administrator may be attempting to perform an operation that requires users to be logged out.  When the database administrator announces that the database is available, log in and resume work.
Here is a breakdown of the sample ORA-28 message:

      "opiodr aborting process unknown ospid (24380) as a result of ORA-28"
  • "unknown" => means it is not a background or shadow process that is killed.
  • "ospid (24380)" => this is the OS pid of the process which opiodr is aborting.
  • "as a result of" => this precedes the error message which is the reason for opiodr to kill the process.
  • "ORA-28" => this is the reason that opiodr killed the process. In this case, it is ora-28, that the session has been killed by Oracle.
On MOSC see "opiodr aborting process" Messages in Alert.Log [ID 1230858.1].  Also note this bug on the ORA-28 error, bug 6377339 titled "Misleading alert log message for "opiodr aborting" [ID 6377339.8]"

The solution for the ORA-28 error message may be to apply patch ID 14737386

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