
APP-FND-00222 When Attempting To Run Any Request (Doc ID 412987.1)


Oracle Application Object Library - Version to [Release 11.5]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On in Production:
When attempting to run any request,
the following error occurs:

APP-FND-00222: Encountered an error while getting the ORACLE user account for your concurrent request

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Submit any request
2. Face the above error

The issue has the following business impact:
Due to this issue, users cannot submit any request.


Recent applying of ATG RUP3 and associated patches


Although there is no customization done but there is some issue in the CUSTOM.pll
This is verified as follows:

1. Log into Apps and Turn OFF "Custom Code" in the Help->Diagnostics menu.
2. After turning off the custom code, it was possible to launch new requests and the
    requests went through successfully.


1. Confirm that there is no CUSTOM.plx exists in $AU_TOP/resource.  If any exists then delete it.
2. Take a backup of the current  CUSTOM.pll which exists in $AU_TOP/resource.
3. Replace the current  CUSTOM.pll with a one from a working instance.
4. Regenerate the CUSTOM.pll and retest the issue.

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