The XML Publisher Concurrent Request Fails Due to the Output Post Processing

Three possible errors can occur as below:
  • The Output Post Processor is not running or does not pick up the request

+————- 1) PUBLISH ————-+
Unable to find an Output Post Processor service to post-process request [request_id].
Check that the Output Post Processor service is running.

* Verify that the Output Post Processor is enabled and active.
* If confirmed, retrieve the OPP log file either via the Forms application or via the Oracle Application Manager.
– Via the Forms application:
  1. Login to the application as SYSADMIN
  2. Responsibility: System Administrator
  3. Function: Concurrent –> Manager –> Administration
  4. Select the Output Post Processor
  5. Click on the Processes button
  6. Select the Concurrent Process which was active during the time that the request ran
  7. Click on the Manager Log button to open the Output Post Processor log file
– Via the Oracle Application Manager
  1. Login to the application as SYSADMIN
  2. Responsibility: System Administration
  3. Function: Oracle Applications Manager –> Concurrent Managers
  4. Select the Output Post Processor Service and click on View Details
  5. Click on View Processes
  6. Select the Concurrent Process which was active during the time that the request ran
  7. Click on the Log button to open the Output Post Processor log file
  • The Output Post Processor is running but has not picked up the request
+------------- 1) PUBLISH -------------+
The Output Post-processor is running but has not picked up
this request.No further attempts will be made to post-process
this request, and the request will be marked with Warning status.
Setting the profile option Concurrent: OPP Response Timeout
to a higher value may be necessary.
By default a timeout will occur if it takes longer then 120 seconds (2 min.) for the Output Post Processor to pick up the request from the Concurrent Manager process. In that case, the Concurrent Request will complete with status Warning and the Request log file will contain error message like above.

* Increase the value (in seconds) for the profile option ‘Concurrent:OPP Response Timeout‘.
  • The concurrent manager has timed out waiting for the Output Post-processor to finish this request

+————- 1) PUBLISH ————-+
The concurrent manager has timed out waiting for the Output Post-processor
to finish this request.
Check that there are enough Output Post-processor service processes running.
More information may be found in the service process logfile.
The concurrent manager process has successfully invoked the OPP but it a timeout is encountered as the OPP takes too long to complete the job.
The time that this takes will depends on various elements such as:
  • size of the XML Data File
  • complexity of the template
  • performance of the server
  • ….
By default a timeout will occur if it takes longer then 300 seconds (5 min.) for the XML Publisher engine to generate the output file. The Concurrent Request will complete with status Warning and the Request log file will contain error message like above.
Increase the value (in seconds) for the profile option ‘Concurrent:OPP Process Timeout‘.

  • Output Post Processor (OPP) Log Contains Error “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space”

  • java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException Caused by:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space atoracle.xdo.parser.v2.XMLDocument.createNodeFromType( atoracle.xdo.parser.v2.XMLDocument.createNodeFromType(

1. Determine what the heap size per OPP process is currently:
2. The default should be:
  • J:oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsf.GSMServiceController:-mx512m
3. Increase the Heap Space per Process to 1024:
  • update FND_CP_SERVICES
    set DEVELOPER_PARAMETERS = ‘J:oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsf.GSMServiceController:-mx1024m
4. Bring the managers down.
5. Run cmclean.sql script from Note 134007.1 – CMCLEAN.SQL Non-Destructive Script to Clean Concurrent Manager Tables.
6. Bring the managers up again.
1. Log into applications with the System Administrator responsibility.
2. Navigate to Concurrent -> Program -> Define
3. Query the XML Publisher Template Re-Generator program
4. Set the following value for the Executable Options : -Xmx1024m
5. Save changes.
6. Retest the program.
Configure the XML Publisher Administrator Configuration settings.
1. As XML Publisher Administrator navigate to Administration->Configuration.
2. Under Temporary Directory pick a temporary file location on your concurrent processing node. This should be at least 5GB or 20x larger than largest XML data file you generate
3.  Under FO Processing, set:
o Use XML Publisher’s XSLT processor set to True
o Enable scalable feature of XSLT processor set to False
o Enable XSLT runtime optimization set to True

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