Create Menu in Oracle EBSR12.2.4

How to Create Menu in Oracle Apps R12.2.4

What is Menu in Oracle Apps?
It is a logical or hierarchical listing of functions (forms) so that the user
can easily navigate through the forms once he is in a responsibility.

A menu is a hierarchical arrangement of functions and menus of functions that
appears in the Navigator. Each responsibility has a menu assigned to it.
Every responsibility will be assigned only one main menu. Under that main menu,
 you can have either other sub menus or functions.

Note: Define any menus that you intend to call from your menu. Define the
lowest-level submenus first. A submenu must be defined before it can be called by
another menu.


A function is a part of an application’s functionality that is registered
under a unique name for the purpose of assigning it to, or excluding it from, a menu
(and by extension, a responsibility).

Functions are nothing but the forms which ultimately the users would like to work on.

There are several types of functions: form functions, sub functions,
and non-form functions. We often refer to a form function simply as a form.
 One menu can be assigned to multiple responsibilities.

When you login to System Administrator responsibility, First of all,
you will see a lot of menus.

From here if you want to go Users form, you will navigate to

Security > Users > Define

And if you want to go on Responsibility form, you need to navigate:

Security > Responsibility > Define

Suppose you want to create a new custom menu: MY_ACCESS Menu

Which have Users and Responsibility form only, because you didn’t want
to navigate multiple sub menus and functions.

Follow these steps to understand how to build a new custom menu.

Identify the Function Name of Users Form
Navigation: System Administrator > Security > Responsibility > Define

Responsibilities form open, Press F11 and Query for “System Administrator”

Here you can see that the value in the Menu field is the Main Menu
attached to this responsibility. (Copy that main menu name and saved
in a separate text file.)

Now to find out the menu details, navigate to:

System Administrator > Application > Menu

Menus window have following fields:


It is a short name of the Menu. You can choose a name that describes the
purpose of the menu. Users do not see this menu name.

User Menu Name

It is the user defined name of the Menu. You use the user menu name when a
responsibility calls a menu or when one menu calls another.

Menu Type:

It’s the menu type which you can choose according to your menu. Here you can choose

Description: It’s the meaningful description for the menu.


It’s the available menu items appear in the sequence specified. Enter a sequence
 number to specify where a menu entry appears relative to other menu entries in a menu.
 The default value for this field is the next whole sequence number.

A menu entry with a lower sequence number appears before a menu entry with a
 higher sequence number.

Note: You cannot replace a menu entry sequence number with another sequence
number that already exists. If you want to add menu entries to a menu entry sequence
 that uses only integers, carefully renumber your menu entries to a sequence range well
outside the sequence range you want, ensuring that you do not use existing sequence numbers.


Call another menu and allow your user to select menu entries from that menu.


Call a function you wish to include in the menu. A form function (form)
appears in the Navigate window and allows access to that form. Other
non-form functions (subfunctions) allow access to a particular subset of form
functionality from this menu.


Descriptions appear in a field at the top of the Navigate window when a menu
entry is highlighted.

View Tree Button:

It will display the menu and its entries in graphical format.


A grant authorizes a particular role to perform a specified action or actions
(set of functions) on a specified object instance (or object instance set).

Press F11 and Query for User Menu Name as:

“Navigator Menu – System Administrator GUI”

(It is that you copied from Menu field value in responsibilities window).

Here you need to find the exact Function name of Users form. If you remember above,
Users form is under Security sub menu. So first find out the Security.

Here you can see that Function field is empty and there is a value under Sub Menu.

Why it is….?

Because, the Security is another Sub menu and not a form/function by itself.
(Copy this Sub Menu value and saved in your text file.)

Now, you will query this Sub menu in the same Menus window.

“Security Menu – System Administrator GUI”

As you know above, Users forms is under Security > Users

So when you find User in Security Menu. You see it has another Sub Menu.

Now, in the same Menus form, query for

“User Menu – System Administrator GUI” as User Menu Name.

You can see “Users” is coming under Function field which means that node is ended her.
There are no more sub menus, and it is that which you required. Make a note of the
function name – Users.

Identify the Function Name for Responsibility Form
As you know Responsibility was coming under Security > Responsibility

You can see Responsibility is also a Sub menu. (Copy this Responsibility Sub Menu value
and saved in your text file.) Now query this

Responsibility Menu – System Administrator GUI

Same like step-1. You can see Responsibility is coming under Function field which means
that node is ended her. There are no more sub menus, and it is that which you required. Here you note function name for Responsibility form is Responsibilities.

Creating a New Menu
Navigation: System Administrator > Application > Menu
Same Menus form will open

Enter details according to you requirement. For Example,

Here you want to make a custom menu MY_ACCESS Menu

Then enter the menu entries, here you want Users and Responsibilities functions
under our menu.

You will select Function; Users and Responsibilities which was identifies in step-1 and 2.

Save your work.

Click OK.

New Custom menu has been created which will have Users and Responsibilities forms.

4. Responsibility Assignment
Now you can assign this Custom menu to some responsibility to access this menu.
 For better understanding you can create a new responsibility and can assign this
menu to that responsibility.

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