
Autoconfig errors on adgentns.pl ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into FND_APPS_SYSTEM.CSI_NUMBER (Doc ID 1209823.1)


Oracle Applications DBA - Version 12.0.0 to 12.1.3 [Release 12 to 12.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 25-Jun-2013***


On application Release 12 When attempting to run autoconfig on APPS Tier, the following error occurs:

ERROR: [CVM Error Report]
The following report lists errors encountered during CVM Phase
/.../apps/apps_st/appl/ad/12.0.0/bin/adgentns.pl 2
No of scripts failed in CVM phase: 1 AutoConfig is exiting with status 1
ERROR in NetServiceHandler.log:

Registering Middle Tier Node
[ Input Information ]
Tools Local : null
Web Local : null
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("APPLSYS"."FND_APPS_SYSTEM"."CSI_NUMBER")
ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_APP_SYSTEM", line 39
ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_NET_SERVICES", line 1720
ORA-06512: at line 1


A null value for parameter s_systemcsi in APPS Context XML File This makes autoconfig script to
insert NULL value to ("APPLSYS"."FND_APPS_SYSTEM"."CSI_NUMBER") generating the error message :
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("APPLSYS"."FND_APPS_SYSTEM"."CSI_NUMBER")


To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Source the APPS Tier environment file $APPL_TOP/APPS_.env.

2. Backup the APPS Tier Context File

3. Edit APPS Tier tier context XML file,


<AFSYSCSI oa_var="s_systemcsi"/>

<AFSYSCSI oa_var="s_systemcsi">0</AFSYSCSI>
4. Save the changes.

5. Run autoconfig to re-test the issue.

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