Create OraInventory in Oracle Apps R12.2.4

How to create the OraInventory in Oracle Apps R12.2.4

What is oraInventory ?
oraInventory is repository (directory) which store/records oracle software products & their oracle_homes location on a machine. This Inventory now a days in XML format and called as XML Inventory where as in past it used to be in binary format & called as binary Inventory.
There are basically two kind of Inventory Global Inventory (also called as Central Inventory) and Local Inventory also called as Oracle Home Inventory.

Global Inventory ?
Global Inventory holds information about Oracle Products on a Machine. These products can be various oracle components like database, oracle application server, collaboration suite, soa suite, forms & reports or discoverer server . This global Inventory location will be determined by fileoraInst.loc in /etc (on Linux) or /var/opt/oracle (solaris). If you want to see list of oracle products on machine check for file inventory.xml underContentsXML in oraInventory (Please note if you have multiple global Inventory on machine check all oraInventory directories)

In cases where the OraInventory is missing or otherwise corrupt, recreate the oraInventory directory on UNIX systems, using the following steps. In a normal installation, there is a Global Inventory (OraInventory) and a Local Inventory($ORACLE_HOME/inventory). 
  1. Locate the oraInst.loc file, which may be in different locations, depending on your system:

          /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc file
  2. Modify the file oraInst.loc file:

          cp /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc.bak
          mkdir /u01/oracle/oraInventory

          ---file contents---
          ---file contents---
    Theses example uses a typical directory, considered an $ORACLE_BASE, and a typical UNIX group which installed the Oracle products. Ensure that the correct values are used for your system.

    The oraInventory directory is usually a directory under the $ORACLE_HOME. For example, if the $ORACLE_HOME  is equal to "/u01/oracle/product/10g", then the OraInventory could be "/u01/oracle/OraInventory".
  3. Change the permissions to be appropriate, (using your directory location):

          chmod 644 /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc
  4. For consistency, copy the file to Oracle home directory, (using your directory location):

    cp $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc.bak
    cp /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc
  5. Run Oracle Universal Installer from your Oracle home as below, (using your site specific directory location and Oracle home name):

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin
    ./runInstaller -silent -attachHome ORACLE_HOME="/u01/oracle/product/10.2" ORACLE_HOME_NAME="Ora10gHome"
  6. Check the inventory output is correct for your Oracle home:

          $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -detail
  7. If the table at the beginning of the output is showing the proper directories, and the Oracle home components are properly reflected in the details, then the Global Inventory has been successfully created from the Local Inventory. At this time, you may patch an maintain your Oracle home, as normal.

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