Upgrade Oracle EBS R12.1.3 to R12.2.0

How to Upgrade Oracle EBS R12.1.3 to R12.2.0?

1.    Pre-requites steps for upgrade

A.      If not using the pre-install rpm, the following packages must be installed from the Oracle Linux 6.5 distribution media on both application and database tiers:
Check all Pre-requites related to R12.2.0 in below link:-

B.      Take backup of whole file system and database as a cold backup.

·         Take backup of Application file system backup.

1.       Login as applmgr user.

2.       Run . APPSVISION_VIS.env

3.       Shut down  application services.  $cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME

4.       Sh adstpal.sh apps/<password>.

5.       tar -cvzf VIS_APPLS_FILESYSTEM_10jun14.tgz tar /u01/app/

·         Take Backup of Oracle database cold backup.

1.       Login as oracle user.

2.       Run . VISION_VIS.env

3.       Shut down  database services.

4.       tar -cvzf  VIS_oradata_11June14.tgz   /u02/app/oracle/oradata/

·         Take Backup of oracle software binaries.

1.       Login as oracle user.

2.       Run . VISION_VIS.env

3.       Shut down  database services.

4.       Tar –czvf VIS_Product_11June14.tgz /u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1

All custom database objects that are mapped to seeded APIs/Row Handlers must be changed from LONG/LONG RAW to CLOB.

1.  SQL> SELECT package_name,object_name,argument_name,data_type FROM all_arguments WHERE (package_name,object_name) IN (SELECT call_package,call_procedure FROM hr_api_hook_calls) AND data_type = 'LONG';

2.        Checking for Duplicate Records for product hub with apps user


3.       Gather schema statistics login as sysdba user.


 Download software for upgrade from edeliver.oracle.com

         Download software from edelivery.oracle.com save to your respective location.

md5sum --check md5sum_Linux64.txt > md5sum_result.txt

When a corrupted file is found, you can use the following to identify which part needs to be re-downloaded.

All software and patches downloads under /u02/ebs_upgrade_12_2_0/ location.

Ensure that Maintenance Mode is enabled (required)

Maintenance Mode restricts logins and the type of operations that the system can perform.

1.       $. . APPSVISION_VIS.env
2.       adadmin
3.       5. Change Maintenance Mode
4.       1 Enable Maintenance mode
5.       Exit

2. Start installation of Application of R12.2.0 as a root user.
     $ cd /u02/ebs_upgrade_12_2_0/R12.2_Source/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz
    $./ rapidwiz

 Oracle E-Business suite release 12.2.0 rapid install Wizard.

Click on Next button to proceed.

 Wizard operation
Here, choose Upgrade to Oracle E-Business suite Release R12.2.0 and press Next button to continue.

Oracle Configuration Manager Details Wizard.
deselect check box to avoid any updates from My Oracle support.  Click next.

Select Upgrade Action wizard.

First select "Create Upgrade File System" to configuring and creating an upgrade file system or upgraded database.

 Global System Settings Wizard.
Specify the port pool values for port pooling and press on Edit ports for specify DB port.

Database node configuration wizard.

Fill all details about database host, SID, Port, Domain Name, DB OS User, Base Directory and RDBMS ORACLE_HOME.

Dont forget to select "User Existing Oracle Home (No New Database Home Install).

 Review Application User Information wizard.

Provide APPS user password details and review APPLSYSPUB and GUEST user details.

Internationalization Settings Wizard.

Select your database character set and press Next.

 Primary Application Node wizard.

Fill all details in below wizard for application node and verify the apps base directory , instance home directory and click on Edit Services, enabled all services as Application and db are running on single server.

Press Next to continue.

 Application User Information

Enter weblogic handy password and application OS user password.

Install Wizard Alert.
Click OK to continue.

Node Information Wizard.
It will display all node information. Press Next to continue.

 Validate system Configuration Wizard.
This is pre-install validation steps. all must be completed with green yes mark.
If its failed any of area of the prerequisites checks, then we have to fix the issue first and press retry button.

 Component Installation Review Wizard.
list of component will be installed after rapiz wizard is completed successfully.
Press Next to continue.

Oracle E-Business Suite Rapid Install Wizard alert.
Wizard alert is confirmed to upgrade E-business suite to R12.2.0.
Press Yes.

Install in Progress.

 Installation wizard is completed.
Press Finish button to completed wizard operation.


3. Apply AD R12.2 and CPU Upgrade patches

  -Download all ad patches

Patch# p18303441_R12.AD.C_R12_LINUX.zip
Patch# p17197279_R12.AD.C_R12_LINUX.zip
Patch# p10117518_R12_LINUX.zip

Merge all AD patches at /u02/ebs_upgrade_12_2_0/AD_source/merge_adall

1) Run environment file . APPSVISION_VIS.env

2) Go to /u02/ebs_upgrade_12_2_0/AD_source /merge_adall

3) $ adpatch options=nocopyportion, nogenerateportion

Run the American English upgrade patch driver

1) Run environment file of fs1 file system.
2) Go to $AU_TOP/patch/115/driver
3) adpatch options=nocopyportion, nogenerateportion

Note: this step is take too long time for apply.

Disable Maintenance mode.

1) Run environment file of application file system.
2) $adadmin
3) Select Change maintenance mode
4) Select disable maintenance mode.
5) Exit

4.  Configure Release R12.2 E-Business Suite Instance.

A.    Update the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME file system with Auto Config and Clone files.

1) Run environment file of application file system.
2) $perl <AD_TOP>/bin/admkappsutil.pl
4) unzip -o appsutil.zip

•    Generate a new database context file 

1) $cd <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin
2) $perl adbldxml.pl

•    Run AutoConfig on the database tier nodes

2) $cd appsutil/bin/
3) $adconfig.sh contextfile

•    Run AutoConfig on the Apps Tier.

1) Run environment file on apps Tier.
2) Login to as apps/apps user
3) Prior to running AutoConfig check if table - ADX_PRE_AUTOCONFIG is existing in APPS schema:

    Select object_name, object_type, owner, status from dba_objects where    upper(object_name) = 'ADX_PRE_AUTOCONFIG' and object_type='TABLE' and upper(owner)='APPS';

    Cd $AD_TOP/patch/115/sql
    Sqlplus apps/appson
    Sql> @txkDropAdxPreAutoConfig.sql

7) Run Autoconfig: go to $ADMIN_SCRIPT_HOME/
8) $sh adautocfg.sh

5. Run Rapid Install to configure Release 12.2 E-Business Suite instance

You must run Rapid Install a second time to complete the configuration using Run File System context file.



Oracle E-Business suite release 12.2.0 rapid install Wizard.


Wizard Operation. 

Select “upgrade to oracle E-business suite release 12.2.0” and press “next” to continue.


Oracle configuration manager detail Wizard

Uncheck “I wish to receive security updates via my oracle support”  and press “next”.


Select Upgrade Options wizard

Select an existing application context file from newly installed file system.



Review Application user information 

This is asking for Apps username and password and guest username and password and Weblogic admin password we have to provide password that is provided last time installation.

Component installation Review
Rapid install wizard will now going to install and configure all components. 


Install in progress 

Rapidwiz is preparing file system for configuring in progress.



Post- install checks 

Check validate complete installation. press next then it’ll run Autoconfig on application tier.



In above steps is ran Autoconfig and give setting of database and Middle-tier information and with this we finished installation of configurations. 

Press Finish button to complete wizard operation 


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