Uninstalling Oracle VM Manager 3.3.1

Before you uninstall Oracle VM Manager, make sure both the Oracle VM Manager Command Line Interface and Oracle VM Manager are shut down:

[root@test ~]# service ovmcli stop

Stopping Oracle VM Manager CLI                             [  OK  ]

[root@test ~]# service ovmm stop

Stopping Oracle VM Manager                                 [  OK  ]

You perform the uninstall using the Oracle VM Manager installation script. You must start the installer from the installation media; you cannot perform an uninstall without the installation media as there is no installer located on the Oracle VM Manager host computer.

Mount Oracle VM manager media iso image.

[root@test ~]# cd /media/
[root@test media]# ls
NTFS  OVMManagerInstaller3.3.2_b1072
[root@test media]# cd OVMManagerInstaller3.3.2_b1072/
[root@test OVMManagerInstaller3.3.2_b1072]# ls
components       EULA     oracle-validated.params  OvmSDK_3.3.2.1072.zip  TRANS.TBL
createOracle.sh  LICENSE  ovmm-installer.bsx       runInstaller.sh

[root@test OVMManagerInstaller3.3.2_b1072]# ./runInstaller.sh -i Uninstall -y

Oracle VM Manager Release 3.3.2 Installer

Oracle VM Manager Installer log file:

Uninstall Oracle VM Manager

DB component : MySQL RPM package
MySQL RPM package installed by OVMM was found...
Removing MySQL RPM package installation ...

Product component : Java in '/u01/app/oracle/java/'
Java is installed ...

Removing Java installation ...

Product component : Oracle VM Manager in '/u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/'
Oracle VM Manager is installed ...
Removing Oracle VM Manager installation ...

Product component : Oracle WebLogic Server in '/u01/app/oracle/Middleware/'
Oracle WebLogic Server is installed

Removing Oracle WebLogic Server installation ...
Service ovmm is deleted.
Service ovmcli is deleted.

Uninstall completed ...

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