Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition - Can't install Windows server 2008 R2

I am trying  to install Windows server 2008 R2 on DELL PowerEdge R620 server, & facing issue.

"We couldn't create a new partition or locate an existing one.  For more information, see the Setup log files."


  1. Set your PC to boot from DVD via BIOS
  2. Put the DVD in and let it load until you get to this screen:
  3. Once at this screen, press: (SHIFT+F10) to get a CMD window

Step by step instruction:

  1. MAKE SURE YOU SELECT THE DRIVE YOUR INSTALLING WINDOWS TO NOT ANOTHER. In the CMD window, type in Each Command and Press <ENTER> Key as follows:

    DiskPart <ENTER>
    list disk <ENTER>
    select disk 0 <ENTER>
    clean <ENTER>
    create partition primary align=1024 <ENTER>
    format fs=ntfs <ENTER> (Will Take a While)
    assign <ENTER>
    active <ENTER>
    exit <ENTER>
    exit <ENTER>
  2. After it completes, exit the INSTALL COMPLETELY and reboot.
  3. Once you are back in, go about installing Windows just DO NOT ALLOW Windows to create a new partition, use the only one there.

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