How to find Active or Inactive users in r12

How to find R12 Active User list?

Login With Apps User
SQL> set line 1000
SQL> SELECT user_id, user_name, full_name
    FROM fnd_user fu, per_all_people_f papf
   WHERE papf.person_id = fu.employee_id
         AND SYSDATE BETWEEN fu.start_date AND NVL (fu.end_date, SYSDATE)
         AND SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date
                         AND NVL (papf.effective_end_date, SYSDATE ) ORDER BY 2;

 USER_ID USER_NAME                                                                                            FULL_NAME
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       1130 ACCOUNT USER                                                                                         Tiwari, Mr. Kamlesh
      1170 CEO                                                                                                  D, Mr. Vasudevan
      1110 IT_SUPERUSER                                                                                Nabi, Mr. Gulzar
      1191 PREM KUMAR                                                                                           Lamchhanea, Mr. Prem Prasad
      1150 PROJECT USER                                                                                         Prasad, Mr. Ranjay
      1190 SANTOSH KUMAR                                                                                    Jha, Mr. Santosh Kumar
      1131 SCM USER                                                                                             Chawla, Mr. Sachin
      1214 TS.KRISHNA                                                                                           Krishna, Mr. T S
      1192 VIVEK KUMAR                                                                                          Gupta, Mr. Vivek Kumar

9 rows selected.

How to find inactive users in Oracle???

# enable session audit

sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
SQL> alter system set audit_trail=db scope=spfile;
SQL> shutdown immediate;
SQL> startup
SQL> audit session;

# after a few months of normal database operation find the users who have not logged in.

SQL> select username, created from dba_users where account_status = 'OPEN' and created < sysdate -90 and not exists
(select distinct userid from aud$ where userid = username and LOGOFF$TIME > sysdate -90)
order by username;

USERNAME                       CREATED
------------------------------ ---------
ABM                            14-MAY-00
AHL                            30-MAY-02
AHM                            30-MAY-02
AK                             14-MAY-00
ALR                            14-MAY-00

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