Output Post Processor Actual Process Is 3 And Target Process Is 4


Oracle Concurrent Processing - Version 12.1.1 to 12.2 [Release 12.1 to 12.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Actual and Target process values are supposed to be same for any concurrent, but for Output Post Processor Actual is 3 and Target is 4


Internal Concurrent manager could not create missing process.


1. Shutdown all the concurrent processes and managers.
2. Verify that no FNDLIBR process is running on (ps -ef | grep FNDLIBR).
3. Please run the Concurrent Manager Recovery feature to address any Concurrent Manager / Concurrent Processing issues within the Oracle Application Manager. NOTE: Regular use of the CP Analyzer in Note 1411723.1 can provide an Immediate Analysis and Output of a Concurrent Environment.
4. Restart concurrent managers.
5. Test the issue 

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