Check Oracle Applications product status

How to check if certain Oracle Applications product/module is implemented?

I. Identify product short name.Each Oracle Applications product/module has short name which you should use to check if product is implemented.

To identify product short name you can use Metalink.
Go to

1. Click on Patches & Updates.
2. Click on Advanced Search.
3. Under Applications search options enter Product or Product Family

a) Click to search and select
b) Search: E-Business SuiteEnter part of product/module name and put '%' from both sides
ex: %receivables%
c) Click 'Go'
Product Name received is:
Receivables (ar)
where 'ar' is the product short name that you need.

II. Check if product is implemented/installed:

You can use one of the following methods to check if certain Oracle Applications product/module is implemented.

Method 1:

From the output of script adutconf.sql.
a) Source the applications environment file for Admin node
b) cd $AD_TOP/sql/
c) Execute:
sqlplus apps/ @adutconf.sql
File will be created in directory $AD_TOP/sql.
Check product status by product short name.


--> Product Installation Status, Version Info and Patch Level

Product Appl Status Version Patchset Level
ABM Inactive 11.5.0 11i.ABM.F
AD Shared 11.5.0 11i.AD.I.5
AP Installed 11.5.0 11i.AP.K
Implemented product has status 'Installed'. 'Inactive' product is not fully implemented and not used.Please note that products with status 'Shared' are not fully implemented and patching these products isn't required.

Method 2:

Use Oracle Applications Manager (OAM).
Connect to 
a. Click 'Site Map'.
b. Under 'System Configuration' choose 'License Manager'.
c. Go to 'Products' link.d. Click ' Licensed Products' under 'Reports' section.

You can use filter for certain product.
Filter: Product Abbreviation is AR
The value in status column shows product installation status.

Method 3:

Use sql query.

select fa.APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME, fpi.PATCH_LEVEL, DECODE(fpi.STATUS, 'I','Installed','S','Shared', 'N', 'Inactive', fpi.STATUS) Status , fpi.DB_STATUSfrom fnd_product_installations fpi,FND_APPLICATION fawhere fpi.APPLICATION_ID in (select APPLICATION_ID from FND_APPLICATION where APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME like '')and fa.APPLICATION_ID=fpi.APPLICATION_ID;

where is the product short name

Example How to check if Knowledge Management (CSK), iSupport (IBU), Business Intelligence(BIS) areimplemented?

sqlplus apps/password

sql> select fa.APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME, fpi.PATCH_LEVEL, DECODE(fpi.STATUS, 'I','Installed','S','Shared', 'N', 'Inactive', fpi.STATUS) Status , fpi.DB_STATUSfrom fnd_product_installations fpi,FND_APPLICATION fawhere fpi.APPLICATION_ID in (select APPLICATION_ID from FND_APPLICATION where APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME in ('CSK','IBU','BIS'))and fa.APPLICATION_ID=fpi.APPLICATION_ID;

if any of the products is implemented status should be Installed.

Method 4:

Use script which is documented in Note 139684.1 Oracle Applications Current Patchset Comparison Utility -
If you have any errors when running script refer to the following note to:

resolve the issue:Note 314442.1 Cannot run Patchsets.Sh Script

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