R12 Useful Scripts

Oracle Apps R12 Importance Scripts List :-
Location of below scripts:-
adautocfg.sh - run autoconfig
adstpall.sh - stop all services
adstrtal.sh - start all services
adapcctl.sh - start/stop/status Apache only
adformsctl.sh - start/stop/status OC4J Forms
adformsrvctl.sh - start/stop/status Forms server in socket mode
adoacorectl.sh - start/stop/status OC4J oacore
adoafmctl.sh - start/stpp/status OC4J oafm
adopmnctl.sh - start/stop/status opmn
adalnctl.sh - start/stop RPC listeners (FNDFS/FNDSM)
adcmctl.sh - start/stop Concurrent Manager
gsmstart.sh - start/stop FNDSM
jtffmctl.sh - start/stop Fulfillment Server
adpreclone.pl - Cloning preparation script
adexecsql.pl - Execute sql scripts that update the profiles in an AutoConfig run
java.sh - Call java executable with additional args, (used by opmn, Conc. Mgr)

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