UNEXPECTED Nodes X are listed in the ADOP_VALID_NODES table but not in the FND_NODES table

Error : 

adop phase=FS_CLONE failed with below error.

Validating system setup.

    UNEXPECTED Nodes X are listed in the ADOP_VALID_NODES table but not in the FND_NODES table.

    [UNEXPECTED]To correct this, run AutoConfig on nodes ""

    [UNEXPECTED]Error determining whether this is a multi-node instance

[STATEMENT] Please run adopscanlog utility, using the command

"adopscanlog -latest=yes"

to get the list of the log files along with snippet of the error message corresponding to each log file.

adop exiting with status = 2 (Fail)


01. Backup the fnd_oam_context_files, fnd_nodes, and adop_valid_nodes tables in the EBS env nodes:

      sqlplus applsys/pwd

sqlplus applsys/****@PDB

create table fnd_oam_context_files_bkp26jan as select * from fnd_oam_context_files;

create table fnd_nodes_bk26jan23 as select * from fnd_nodes;

create table adop_valid_nodes_bk26jan23 as select * from adop_valid_nodes;

02. Truncate the following tables:

truncate table fnd_oam_context_files;

truncate table fnd_nodes;

truncate table adop_valid_nodes;

03.  Run AutoConfig on the DB tier

        Confirm Autoconfig completes successfully

04. Stop application service.

05. Run Autoconfig on the run file system.



Confirm Autoconfig completes successfully

Before running Autoconfig on the patch file system the ebs_login trigger MUST be disabled

After the successful completion of Autoconfig the ebs_login trigger MUST be re-enabled.

06.Logon to sqlplus as system(sqlplus system/****@PDB): alter trigger ebs_logon disable;

07.  Run Autoconfig on the patch file system



08. Logon to sqlplus as system(sqlplus system/****@PDB): alter trigger ebs_logon enable;

09. After Autoconfig has been run successfully on all nodes, run the following two (2) queries in 

order to verify the tables have been correctly populated:


        set pagesize 5

        set linesize 132

        col node_name format a15

        col server_id format a8

        col server_address format a15

        col platform_code format a4

        col webhost format a12

        col domain format a20

        col virtual_ip format a12

select  node_id,  platform_code, support_db D, support_cp C, support_admin A, 

support_forms F, support_web W, node_name, server_id, server_address, domain, webhost, virtual_ip, 

status from fnd_nodes order by node_id;


        set pagesize 5

        set linesize 132

        col NAME format A20

        col VERSION format A12

        col PATH format A110

        col STATUS format A10


 10. Start application service.

APP-FND-01388: Cannot read value for profile option CONC_KEEP_BLANK_FILES in routine &ROUTINE

 Application version : R12.2.10

DB version : 19.17.0


APP-FND-01388: Cannot read value for profile option CONC_KEEP_BLANK_FILES in routine &ROUTINE.


The issue is caused by the following defect:



To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1) Download and review the readme for Patch  30983111

2) Apply Patch 30983111 in a test environment.

3.Confirm the following file versions:

For 12.1: fnd src/process     afpprc.lpc 120.10.12010000.10

For 12.2: fnd src/process     afpprc.lpc 120.10.12020000.10

4) Retest the issue.

5) If the issue is resolved, migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.

Note: Patch 30983111 exists for both 12.1.3 and 12.2 EBS versions.

The warning will be shown when it completes in warning.

One may set the profile option "Concurrent: Keep Empty Output Files" to avoid the error.

Also the error is harmless and technically can be ignored.


 (Doc ID 2736293.1)

WebADI Create Document Redirects From HTTP To HTTPS Causing Error ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR



On Oracle EBS R12.2.10 the default URL is HTTP:// but when you navigate to Desktop Integrator -> 

Create Document the URL of the webpage redirects to HTTPS://.


1) Using the Desktop Integrator responsibility.

2) Navigate to create document.

3) Select the Integrator, Layout and populate needed parameters.

4) Select Creating document and view the that URL that is returned to create the document is https and not http.

The following error is seen in the browser window when attempting to create the document:

This site can't provide a secure connection


 Due to this issue, the document is not created.


1) View the following line in the XML context file: <sslterminator oa_var=

2) If the current value is <sslterminator oa_var=”s_enable_sslterminator”>#</sslterminator>

Please change the following line in the XML context file: From <sslterminator oa_var=”s_enable_sslterminator”>#</sslterminator> to <sslterminator oa_var=”s_enable_sslterminator”/>

3) Run the Autoconfig.

4) Restart the Services and Re-test.

Note: that if the XML context file line value is currently <sslterminator oa_var=”s_enable_sslterminator”/>, modify the line to <sslterminator oa_var=”s_enable_sslterminator”>#</sslterminator>

follow the same steps as above and re-test. 

Take backup of $CONTEXT_FILE


cd /apps/R12.2.10/fs2/inst/apps/test/appl/admin/test_oracle.xml

Replace sslterminator value in $CONTEXT_FILE


<sslterminator oa_var="s_enable_sslterminator"/>


<sslterminator oa_var="s_enable_sslterminator">#</sslterminator>

save it.

[applmgr@oracle~#]cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME


Start appslication service

[applmgr@oracle~#]cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME

./adstrtal.sh apps/*****

Retest issue.


(Doc ID 2855758.1)

How to Change Weblogic Password in R12.2.10


1. Shutdown the Application Services using $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adstpall.sh apps/****

2. Start the admin server on Primary node using $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adadminsrvctl.sh start

3. Run the below command to create new password

perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkUpdateEBSDomain.pl -action=updateAdminPassword


perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkUpdateEBSDomain.pl -action=updateAdminPassword

Program: txkUpdateEBSDomain.pl started at Fri Jan 20 14:12:54 2023

AdminServer will be re started after changing WebLogic Admin Password

All Mid Tier services should be SHUTDOWN before changing WebLogic Admin Password

Confirm if all Mid Tier services are in SHUTDOWN state. Enter "Yes" to proceed or anything else to exit: Yes

Enter the full path of Applications Context File [DEFAULT - /apps/R12.2.10/fs2/inst/apps/test/appl/admin/test.xml]:

Enter the WLS Admin Password:

Enter the new WLS Admin Password:

Enter the APPS user password:

4. Start the Application MiddleWare services using $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adstrtal.sh apps/***

Login to the admin console to verify that the new WebLogic user password works.

AFPASSWD utility to change apps password R12.2.10

 R12.2.10: Steps to Change the APPS, APPLSYS, and APPS_NE Password Using FNDCPASS or AFPASSWD 

Whenever using FNDCPASS or AFPASSWD to change the APPS, APPLSYS, and APPS_NE password, one must also perform the following actions:

Important: These steps must be carried out on the run file system. The FND_USER and FND_ORACLE_USERID tables should be backed up before any passwords are changed. Remove the backups after you have confirmed that the changes are successfully completed. Passwords for all the 3 schemas, APPS, APPLSYS and APPS_NE will be changed together while changing APPLSYS password.

1. Shut down the application tier services using the below script:

$INST_TOP/admin/scripts/adstpall.sh apps/****

###Change the APPLSYS password using.


AFPASSWD is an enhanced version of FNDCPASS, and includes the following features:

• AFPASSWD only prompts for passwords required for the current operation, allowing separation of duties between applications administrators and database administrators. This also improves interoperability with Oracle Database Vault. In contrast, the FNDCPASS utility currently requires specification of the APPS and the SYSTEM usernames and corresponding passwords, preventing separation of duties between applications administrators and database administrators.

• When changing a password with AFPASSWD, the user is prompted to enter the new password twice to confirm.

• In Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.3 and higher, you can also use the AFPASSWD utility to migrate Oracle E-Business Suite user passwords to a password hashing scheme.

Syntax for using AFPASSWD:


Syntax for using AFPASSWD:


NOTE: The steps 3 to 7 are mandatory AFPASSWD and are only applicable when changing the APPLSYS password. 

They are not applicable when changing passwords for product schemas like PO, GL etc or the SYSTEM schema.

In the next prepare phase after the password change, ADOP will invoke EBS Domain Configuration to ensure 

that the WLS datasource on the patch file system will be synchronized with the new APPS password.

 3. Run autoconfig with the newly changed password.

4. Start AdminServer using the $INST_TOP/admin/scripts/adadminsrvctl.sh script. 

Do not start any other application tier services.

#####. Change the "apps" password in WLS Datasource as follows:

#stop all apps service


./adstpall.sh apps/****

# start admin server.


./adadminsrvctl.sh start

 Log in to WLS Administration Console.

http://host_name:7005/console   <Depend on your FILE_EDITION(RUN/PATCH) WLS port will change>


b. Click Lock & Edit in Change Center.

c. In the Domain Structure tree, expand Services, then select Data Sources.

d. On the "Summary of JDBC Data Sources" page, select EBSDataSource.

e. On the "Settings for EBSDataSource" page, select the Connection Pool tab.

f. Enter the new password in the "Password" field. <<enter new apps password>>

g. Enter the new password in the "Confirm Password" field. <<re-enter new apps password>>

h. Click Save.

i. Click Activate Changes in Change Center.

Message icon - Success All changes have been activated. No restarts are necessary.

#Start all the application tier services using the below script


./adstrtal.sh apps/****


(Doc ID 1674462.1)

ADOP utility in R12.2.10

 Overview of ADOP in Oracle EBS R12.2

ADOP – stands for Application DBA Online Patching which is introduced in Oracle EBS R12.2 

version to patch oracle applications while a system is available for users during Patching.

NOTE: The adop utility always runs from the run edition file system. 

Full application functionality is retained as patch execution proceeds, 

until the cutover phase is reached.

The online patching cycle consists of five of high level phases:

prepare: Prepares the environment for patching.

apply: Applies the specified patches to the environment.

finalize: Performs any final steps required to make the system ready for cutover.

cutover: Shuts down application tier services, makes the patch edition the new run edition, 

and then restarts application tier services. This is the only phase the involves a brief downtime.

cleanup: Removes obsolete code and data from old editions.

Important commands related to ADOP


[applmgr@oracle~#] echo $FILE_EDITION


RUN to PATCH <nothing changes in RUN>

Adop phase=prepare

Adop phase=cutover

Adop phase=CLEANUP


RUN to PATCH <make changes in RUN>

Adop phase=FS_CLONE

Adop phase=prepare

Adop phase=cutover

Adop phase=CLEANUP





Adop phase=FS_CLONE   <schedule job every second Sunday>

 Or before patch trigger adop phase=FS_CONE


ANYTHING fails in adop cycle before cutover phase

adop phase=abort

adop phase=cleanup cleanup_mode=full

adop phase = fs_clone





adop phase=abort

adop phase=cleanup cleanup_mode=full  <Failed>

adop phase = fs_clone



Try below steps:


adop phase=abort

adop phase=cleanup cleanup_mode=quick

adop phase = fs_clone



Fixed issue and again try below command:

Adop phase=prepare

Adop phase=apply patches=(patch_no)

Adop phase=FINALIZE

Adop phase=cutover

Adop phase=CLEANUP



Adop session reach 20 after that run below steps (Max adop session value is 24)


Actualize_All and Full Cleanup:

             adop phase=prepare

            adop phase=actualize_all

            adop phase=finalize

            adop phase=cutover

            adop phase=cleanup cleanup_mode=full

adop option

apply a patch in downtime mode:

 adop phase=apply patches=32300055 apply_mode=hotpatch


Restart a apply command

adop phase=apply patches=31993886 restart=yes


Abandon previous apply command and apply replacement

adop phase=apply patches=223456 abandon=yes


Restart failed fs_clone from the beginning:

             adop phase=fs_clone force=yes

Oracle Database 23AI session-related scripts.

  Oracle Database 23AI session-related scripts. ##Columns Name Details### sid - session identifier serial# - session serial number osuser - ...