REP-0004: Warning: Unable to open user preference file.

Enter Password:
REP-0004: Warning: Unable to open user preference file.


Your local (customized) Oracle Reports preference file could not be opened.
This is just a warning, so the product will continue to run even if this occurs.
The possible causes of this error include the following:


You can take the following actions to rectify this error:

Case 1: Make sure the file prefs.ora is located in your "home" directory.

Case 2: Make sure that you have the privileges necessary to access the file. If you don't, change your privileges accordingly.

Case 3: Consult your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator.

Solution :-

Check whether u have prefs.ora file in your application user's home

[applmgr@sujeet scripts]$ locate prefs.ora

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