there are no active responsibilities available for this user oracle apps r12

There are no Active Responsibilities available for this User


1. Login with sysadmin.

2. Query up the user (that is having the issue) and ensure responsibilities not showing up are NOT end dated. 

3. END DATE the USER (not the responsibility) and save the record. 

4. UN-END DATE the USER and save the record.

5 Request Name = Workflow Directory Services User/Role Validation
Batch Size = 10000
User name = SJHA
Fix dangling users = Yes
Add missing user/role assignments = Yes
Update WHO columns in WF tables = YES
Click "OK" and "Submit".

6. Clear the Cache

7. Missing responsibilities now appear.

Issue resolved.

Argument list too long

EM12c, EM13c: Cloud Control Agent Installation On RHEL 7 Machine
Fails With "/bin/uname: Argument list too long" (Doc ID 2281440.1)

Error find from BI log file.

 Enterprise Manager Cloud Control running the command "/apps/middleware/bin/emctl stop oms -all -force -debug". 


Enterprise Manager Base Platform - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.

Agent installation on RHEL 7 machine using push method from OEM cloud control or using silent
 method fails at agent deployment with following error in agentDeploy_<timestamp>.log:

Cloning the agent home...
INFO: /opt/app/OracleHomes/agent_13. line 287: /usr/bin/uname: Argument list too long
INFO: /opt/app/OracleHomes/agent_13. line 288: /usr/bin/uname: Argument list too long
INFO: /opt/app/OracleHomes/agent_13. line 475: /opt/app/OracleHomes/agent_13.
 Argument list too long


Issue is due to stack guard page added to Linux kernel as mentioned by Red Hat in the following link:


 Perform any of the following steps to resolve the issue:

Workaround 1:

Kindly follow the below steps. 
[+] Backup <MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/bin/commonenv [+] Increase the stack thread size (EM_THREAD_STACK_SIZE) in the commonenv file as described below: 
from ===================================== if [ "$uname" = "Linux" ] ; then if [ "$EM_THREAD_STACK_SIZE" = "" ] ; then EM_THREAD_STACK_SIZE=3072 fi ulimit -S -s $EM_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 
if [ "$EM_DONT_CHANGE_CORE_SIZE" = "" ] ; then ulimit -S -c hard fi fi ===================================== 
===================================== if [ "$uname" = "Linux" ] ; then if [ "$EM_THREAD_STACK_SIZE" = "" ] ; then EM_THREAD_STACK_SIZE=8192 fi ulimit -S -s $EM_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 
if [ "$EM_DONT_CHANGE_CORE_SIZE" = "" ] ; then ulimit -S -c hard fi fi 
[+] In bash profile of the operating system user (user performing the OMS installation), set the following parameter: 

$ export EM_THREAD_STACK_SIZE=8192 

[+] If the UI is still open, then please click on "Retry" and continue with the installation.
[+] If you accidentally exit the installer before clicking Retry, then do NOT restart the installer to reach the same screen; instead, invoke the script from the Oracle home to rerun the Configuration Assistant in silent mode. For Microsoft Windows platforms, invoke runConfig.bat script. 

$<ORACLE_HOME>/oui/bin/ ORACLE_HOME=<absolute_path_to_Oracle_home> MODE=perform ACTION=configure COMPONENT_XML={encap_oms.1_0_0_0_0.xml} 

a. In bash profile of the operating system user (user performing the agent installation .bash_profile, .bash_rc), 
set the following parameter:
      $ export EM_THREAD_STACK_SIZE=8192

b. Retry the agent installation

Workaround 2:
As agent home will be created already as part of the agent installation process, so run the following command to
 complete the agent installation:

a. In bash profile of the operating system user (user performing the agent installation .bash_profile, .bash_rc),
set the following parameter:
         $ export EM_THREAD_STACK_SIZE=8192

b. Rename the agent instance (agent_inst) folder if exists

c. Configure the agent by running the following command:
            $ cd <AGENT HOME>/sysman/install
            $ ./ AGENT_BASE_DIR=<agent base directory> AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME=<agent instance home> OMS_HOST=<oms hostname> EM_UPLOAD_PORT=<oms upload port> > AGENT_REGISTRATION_PASSWORD=<agent registration password> -configOnly

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